Buying GP32 in the UK


Still Fresh
Apr 1, 2003
Cambridge, UK
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Hi, :D

brand new user just doing some research before buying a GamePark - can anyone recommend a good source in the UK?

Also can anyone tell me what systems it emulates and to what degree of success (specifically C64, Neo-Geo and Amiga) and if you can use the same ROM files I use on my PC currently.

Thanks in advance for any help offered!

Scampi is probally your best bet for UK. i dunno if it sells the RF Unit or commercial games if your intrested in them sell those.

Yes you can play rom files which you have on your computer.

I dont think it emulates amiga not sure. the best emulators i have used are Game Gear, ScuMMVM and PC Engine ones. is definately the best, cant recomend these guys enough, tho i would hold of purchasing right now, from what i hear the new units with built in light will be out around 10th April, well worth the wait if you ask me.

Current worthwhile EMU's include - SMS, GG, PCEngine, GB/GBC, NES (with crackly sound) SCUMMVM, SMX(??) and C64. Dont expect to be able to save in all of these at the moment, there are more but these are all ive tested that are playable so far :)

There is a Neo Geo pocket EMU, but ive yet to test it, as far as i know its not running much as yet

Theres no Amiga emu, and none in the making that ive heard, if it could or would ever be done... well, we could only hope! <_<


Thanks to you both for the replies - I'll definitely order from GBax but will hold off and see what happens with the backlight first (hopefully I can handle waiting 10 days!). This might be a stupid question but you don't think the added heat from the back light could cause issues when running at higher clock speeds could it? I've read on this board that 166 can burn out the LCD and don't want to have problems with 133 on teh new model. I'm sure I'm just once again showing my ignorance by saying that as I'm not sure how much if any heat a backlight puts out but just want to check! :)

Someone needs to set up a webpage or something will all this kind of infomation on as it seems to get asked a lot by potential buyers.
Yeah that would be good - I read the Newbie FAQ which was excellent but doesn't cover the pre-buy questions. Maybe version 2 could include this to stop people like me annoying the board!
I too have been guilty of asking too many stupid questions. I have decided that once my gp32 gets here if it ever does. It is stuck in hong kong, I guess the flight it was supposed to be on was cancled so I dunno when it will acctually get here. Anyway as soon as it gets here I will launch my site which will cover everything from my experiances ordering my unit from lik-sang to shipping GRRRR. I will also write an artical of first impressions and a how to about setting up / registering it. I know this has been covered before and done very well at that but I am going to attempt to cover the whole thing top to bottm. This will also include reviews of any emulator,app or game that I use including screen shots and even short video clips inorder cover as many questions as I can.
Nice site jlebrech - I'm getting the GP for the Emulation side (like most people I guess) so I've book marked your Emu's section for when I put in my order for a backlit model.

Also I'm in Cambridge deanollive so it's not too far from Croydon but I'll probably hang on and get one from :)
deanollive posted on Apr 2 2003 said:
If you live near croydon, post again and I will tell you where to get one from! :)
I'm near-ish croydon... wel actually miles away... :-P

anyways is there a shop over there that sells them then?
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Well... if there's a place near Croydon where you can buy GP32 stuff, I'd like to know it, considering I live about 5 mins away :)
Not GP32 specific but I got mine there with Dungeon and gaurder for 90 quid, it's called Otaka world and it's next to Up in smoke near the tram stop!


Great place as they will get stuff in for U!

could you possibly give me full address/website/phone no. mate?

cheers :D

EDIT: I think ive found it... is it actually called otaku world?
Deanollive: When did you buy yours, coz I asked them about it a month ago and they hadn't a clue what it was lol - I wonder if my quick demo of it to them managed to convince them to get some stock in. Nice thought, that :) - also, you might want to have a look at New Age Computers in the Whitgift centre - they don't do the things as yet, but they again were interested...

... And X-Electrical (just a bit up from Otaku World) knew what it was and said they occasionally got games in for them, and to check in from time to time, so there's also a good place to look in :)
Nice one mate,

x electrical is ace and great bargains can be found there, but new age consoles is a bit pricey for my pocket
