Buying A Japanese Sega Saturn


It Is Your Birthday.
Aug 31, 2005
I'm looking into buying a skeleton sega saturn. It's a japanese model, as are all the skeleton models.

With that said, what's a good device (I assume I need one) to play US games on a japanese system? I've asked ebay sellers, but for some reason they all seems like they dont know a thing about their own console ;)

Thanks all.
hmmm. I guess it depends what it entails. I soldered my FLU after painting it, and soldered my gp2x's headphone jack. Anything much more than that I dont think I'd be able to do.

Is there a retard-proof guide out there?
grahf posted on Sep 22 2006 at 01:09 PM said:
This is pretty much all the information you need. If you have a decent soldering iron its not too much trouble. A few years ago I region modded my US saturn so i could use the Sega Movie Card (vcd card) to watch VCDs.
I'll have a look at that, but in the worse case senario, I'll send it into old school gamer and have them mod it for me.

loz_the_guru posted on Sep 22 2006 at 01:28 PM said:
yeah that's pretty awesome and I was gonna get it, except Im not spending 250 USD + shipping to get a saturn that plays in black and white. Im getting the smoke colored one.
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Most Japanese Saturns have an earlier revision of the motherboard (these consoles are known as model 1 Saturns or 64-pin Saturns). All Saturns are fairly easy to region-mod as long as you know how to solder. Modifying the 64-pin Saturns to play backups however is another story as it'll require you to resolder traces of the modchip (there's only one available AFAIK) on the motherboard.

The newer Saturns (32-pin Saturns or model 2 Saturns) are extremely easy to install modchips in. I'm not going to explain it in great detail as there are plenty of guides out there doing a much better job at it than what I'd be able to.
god_at_hell posted on Sep 23 2006 at 09:21 AM said:
you don't want to mod a skeleton saturn ... Use the ST Key (a module) to get a regionfree Saturn.
but then I cant use cartidges or ram carts :(

Is there any reason why I shouldnt mod a skeleton saturn?
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Sep 23 2006 at 05:23 PM said:
god_at_hell posted on Sep 23 2006 at 09:21 AM said:
you don't want to mod a skeleton saturn ... Use the ST Key (a module) to get a regionfree Saturn.
but then I cant use cartidges or ram carts :(

Is there any reason why I shouldnt mod a skeleton saturn?

There are Action Reply cartridges which extend the RAM and allow you to play imports. They're known as 4-in-1 carts -- purchaseable at for instance.
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