Selling A Ton Of Stuff (mainly Japanese Imports)


Still Fresh
May 21, 2007
Wii Bundle:
Japanese System with all hook-ups, stand, Wiimote + Nunchuck, Nights Into Dreams, and P.N.03 (gamecube). $150 shipped

Saturn Bundle:
Gray Sega Saturn System, hookups, 2 controllers, and 20 games! PM me if interested

PSP Bundle:
Sony PSP System (Blue Phat Model)
Good condition with a few cosmetic scratches on the back
CFW with some good homebrew
comes with white Hori case, 2GB and 512MB memory stick duos, pandora's battery, AC adapter, and Monster Hunter Portable 2 (Import) $80 shipped
WOW! That's a lot of cool stuff your selling. Seems like as if your leaving the country in a hurry or the missus have given you an alternatum... :P
Haha, just decided it was time to clean out some of the collection I haven't been using.
Can you ship to England?

Kinda interested in the japanese wii, or the psp.

I know the power plugs are different, d/w.