buying a gp32


Still Fresh
Mar 19, 2003
hi on they list a eu tax (VAT) but on they dont when ordering (im just testing)
does that mean if i get it from i dont have to pay the tax? or do i have to that that on delevery?

its just that on lik-sang they say they list all taxes and stuff but theres no taxes and stuff listed

if the tax is on both days i would prefer :)

(i dont know anything about this never bought anything over the web before)
I would recommend gbax, they were mighty fast and everything was in order... top banana! :D

(that - and Craig is on this board to boot)

yeh my top pick would be gbax they seem to be great and he has put up with my qustions for months :D
so i guess he will do great support too :P
I ordered from Lik Sang, and used Airmail. However, they seem to have "accidentally" listed the value at $38 instead of $160, which made the people at HM Customs & Excise not bother to stop it (and therefore no tax).

--jo "directhex" shields
Will I have to pay tax on a GP32 game from Liksang? Does anyone know how much the whole cost would be for a game or two from liksang?
I agree GBAX is the best place to go - Lik Sang are ok but customs may stop the parcel and charge you a fortune due to import tax - plus they tax you on the P&P/Delivery charge... erk.