

Oct 15, 2005
Will the web browser be able to access files on the SD cards. It would be cool, if you were on vacation and your sd card in your camera was full, to just dump the pictures onto flickr and have an empty card again.
whiskthecat said:
Will the web browser be able to access files on the SD cards. It would be cool, if you were on vacation and your sd card in your camera was full, to just dump the pictures onto flickr and have an empty card again.
The web browser shouldn't have any trouble doing such things, just as long as it is coded to do so.

-God Ginrai
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That actually is a pretty awesome idea ;) I don't see why not. I don't know if they're planning on making a browser (no need really), but most people will probably use Mozilla (whatever that's called now) or Firefox or Opera. None of these should have any problem, since the "file browse" part isn't actually a part of the browser, but rather the environment you're in.
squeakypants said:
That actually is a pretty awesome idea ;) I don't see why not. I don't know if they're planning on making a browser (no need really), but most people will probably use Mozilla (whatever that's called now) or Firefox or Opera. None of these should have any problem, since the "file browse" part isn't actually a part of the browser, but rather the environment you're in.
I hope they do make a browser, or a least modify an existing one, a desktop port would be seriously bloated/unoptimised.
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Oh, of course we'll have optimized versions :) I'm just saying one built in to the operating system/environment would probably be a waste of effort considering the better ones that are out there/will come.

Of course, if they use nautilus or something for file browsing, that does web too.