Browser Based Game, Versus Native Game? Can You Imagine Playing A Brow

Mithrildor said:
Isnt it possible to be written in java? that way it can be both browser and native

Not for me; religious wars aside, I only use java for clients when absolutely required. Lets leave it at that, shall we? :)

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im happy either way, but i would say if there was a browser interface then it'd be lovely to have a serverside profile whereby a cookie can be stored or a drop down selected upon login to pick from a range of popular resolutions to change screen layout. it'd be nice and easy to play between devices that way.
sebt3 said:
: scrolling is a pain.

I concur. Browser scrolling kills browser based games for me. It has to be all on one page (links to separate pages are fine)or I wont play. I know it is a minimal amount of effort to use that mouse wheel, but none the less I just get tired of all of the scrolling.

Edit: ESPECIALLY on laptops that don't have a mouse with a mouse wheel. I don't even like scrolling around web pages on laptops. It just bugs me.
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You could always package up a PND with a lightweight browser set to run the client in full screen mode by default... user never need know they're using a browser.
Couldn't you whip up a native client that uses webkit for rendering? dflemstr said CPU usage was quite acceptable for his webkit launcher thing.
Mithrildor said:
I think browser is better as that makes the game possible to play on other platforms too. The space that is lost because of the bar isnt much as you can go fullscreen

So you just didn't read what he wrote and assumed browser game meant flash?

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Butterman said:
Mithrildor said:
I think browser is better as that makes the game possible to play on other platforms too. The space that is lost because of the bar isnt much as you can go fullscreen

So you just didn't read what he wrote and assumed browser game meant flash?


Most browsers have a fullscreen mode that can be activated by pressing F11.

I just checked, and on this computer, it only uses 4 pixels at the top of the screen.
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I did mention fullscreen, but its more a question if the native browser has an option to make it go fullscreen on launch (but of course, I could modify one.) I also mentioned the option of embedding webkit into a native bin (and thus enabling sensible audio playback as well, since browsers and audio basicly extra-suck still).

I think for now I'm going to keep working on the browser based client, and see how it goes.

(By which I mean, I'll get it working well enough, if terrible terrible to look at, and then get someone to help clean it up and make it presentable :)

Gameplay first, looks second, yo :)

I think for this type of game, browser based is favorable. I know that when i'm really into such type of game, it's just too tempting, when arriving at work, to quickly check what the results of last round are, so i can start planning counterattacks/other stuff while i should be doing work (and checking on you desktop looks a lot less suspicious than sitting behind the desk with a pandora in hands ;)

And i think you won't be able to resist a pandora specific client anyway if everything works properly :P

MarkoeZ -- hmm, I think you're probably right on all counts :)

Its come up a few times that people think I can just run the turn results early, if everyone has submitted orders; I keep thinking not, since you can always revise orders, which especially is of interest if you're negotiating all day long with others.

So it just means I'll be sitting there at midnight+30secs checking the turn results myself, ensuring the game turn didn't explode and that it mailed out notifications, etc. This sort of game ropes you right in :)

Just thinking selfish, reading your spelling/grammar (Edit: Nothing negative, potato's etc. dutch myself), i'm guessing you are on the other side of the atlantic pond (shoot me if i'm wrong ; ), so a new turn would start after 5 am here. And i'm just way too lazy to be getting up early for a game :P

Looking forward to it!
I'm at EST-5 (Canada, Toronto, same GMT-differential as NEw York City.) A good point about the timing .. if the majority of players are in the UK for a given match, I could pick a time for the tune results that makes more sense. Doesn't matter to the CRON job really :) (the game is actually built so you specify the time distance betweern turns, so it can have multiple turns per day, or one turn a week, or whatever, on a per-game basis.)

EDIT: Quoted skeezix here, fixing EST-5 to UTC-5 or EST, removed, I couldnt fix it properly to be always valid and look reasonable
The current time zone in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and New York city is EDT. Which is UTC-4. In the winter they're UTC-5 aka EST. Sources: Google "toronto time" "new york time". Wikipedia EDT and EST. So,... dunno, i dont really even care...
urjaman said:
I'm pretty sure he meant UTC-10. Toronto is in the middle of the Pacific ocean, after all.
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It depends a lot with browser games, I like things like Quake Live, for example, since I just pop in the URL, log in, and I'm set. I can do it from anywhere.
On the other hand, I'd love for QL to have a native client too so I don't have to fire up my browser every time...
I think it'd be cool for you to do both with your game, browser and client (if it's not too much to ask ;-)
Jourdy288 said:
It depends a lot with browser games, I like things like Quake Live, for example, since I just pop in the URL, log in, and I'm set. I can do it from anywhere.
On the other hand, I'd love for QL to have a native client too so I don't have to fire up my browser every time...
I think it'd be cool for you to do both with your game, browser and client (if it's not too much to ask ;-)
Quake Live basically is a native client, just wrapped up as an extension.
Never really understood the appeal of that. You could do the same thing entirely without a browser?
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