Broken Gp32


Oct 4, 2003
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hi everybody i have 2 gp32 FLU's, and on one of em i opened it up and tried to change the screen of it with the one from mash mods. But the thing is, that i think that one of the wire's that connect to the FLU switch got pulled from the switch in the back, and now sadly that GP32 does not want to turn on anymore :(

does anybody have an idea of what exactly happend? anything will be of help. also my friend suggested that i should just solder the wire back to where it was comming out from, but i dont have anykind of soldering skills whatsoever. (and i dont even know if that will even work, but it does seem like a logical idea)

if anybody has an idea of what i should do or how i can fix it please let me know. :)

thanks in advance
yeah but the problem is it wont turn on at all anymore :(

you think that its because the wire is not connected now?
Try to solder the cables back again. My FLU broke one time when a cable from the "on-off" light switch got stuck between the memory card and the memorycardslot. The cable went of from the "mainboard" and the "on-off" switch and I had to solder it back again, wasnt difficult at all.
If your Gp32 doesent work without the light you might check if any other cable is "off"

gah ;) good luck!
k thanks will try it out, now where can i find a soldering gun to try this out?
are they available to rent? :blink:
sorry for asking dumb questions :huh:
u can buy em, theyre not too expensive, but I mae one the other day out of a piece of steel, i need a more accurate soldering irons so i use a thin bit of steel with a rubber handle and a blowtorch to heat it up, which u have to do quite often, but in my opinion its more accurate than a soldering iron
Can you not get your dad to do it?
Soldering in itself is very simple (infact, I first soldered at 10 ;)). Just buy a cheap iron for £10 and some solder for £3.
hmmm, problem with cheap irons is they have a problem with retaining a steady heat so u often need a more expesive one for important jobs such as this:

By the way, i will make it simpler for u to understand if u answer me these questions 3:

1.)Do u have access to a blowtorch?
2.) Do u have access to steel rods and the tools needed to cut it?
3.) Do u have a metal file?

EDIT : Dont forget a rubber on non heat conductive material too, otherwise ull burn ure hand to high hell (like i did)
But did you think you were making a "a soldering gun", ask "are they available to rent?" then admit that you're "really stupid"? ;):D
its way past warranty, and im not acutally 10 im just asking for ppl to explain stuff to me as if i was :P

it makes it much easier that way
wait a sec,....knowing the cheap nature of GAMEPARK and whoever makes the FLU, and bearing in mind i haven't seen the insides of my GP32 yet (i odnt wanna take it apart till im ready) maybe the FLU light is built in a series circuit not parallel to the actual game power, so the wire going to the GP32 motherboard is actually going thro the flu like so:

BATTERY --------->FLU---------->GP32

so if the wires arent connected to FLU u loose power to the GP32

Just an idea
Uh ..... How bout .... NO .

The Flu is added later and draws power off the Gp32 Main Board.

The flu can go out and the GP32 will Always still work unless it's busted also.
Ahh rite i see

Im tempted to open this bad boy up, but i have a knack for taking thigs apart and not putting them back together

If u know me take exampe from my Gamegear/Gameboy hybrid and that time i desrtoyed a £75 original Game & Watch
Wow. One wire connection? Just solder the darn thing back on! It's really really simple:

1) Hold wire to board
2) Press hot iron to wire and board
3) Touch solder to the bunch
4) Wait for solder to melt, remove iron, let solder cool for a few seconds, and
