boot from SD ... doesn't work for me


Meanwhile I tried several times. Installation was with the pnd-installer. I tried two different (otherwise fine working) cards with two different sizes, with and without swap, with different sizes of FAT32 partition, with formatting inbetween (SD-Formatter, of course).

This should be Zaxxon final (I have a 3.2.26 kernel and the Gamma settings, is there a better way to determine OS version?) on a 1Ghz Pandora.

The partitions show up fine when I normally use the cards, the autoboot.txt and boot.txt are there, everything looks fine. I made sure it's the left slot.


When I insert the card and reboot nothing happens. Virtually nothing. Black screen. No logo, no nothing (I sometimes see the single blue pandora cube for a moment). The only thing working then is a reset.

I tried shoulder button, "boot from SD1:1" and last line I see is "Starting Kernel ...", then the screen goes black very fast (backlight stays on).

Anything I can do? Any way to get more info?

Thanks in advance, b.
Try the non pnd install maybe.the current firmware in the official area of the site worked fine for my 1ghz pandy.dunno if its been updated again used panasonic sd card formatter?
The current version of the pnd-installer tool isn't up to date with some of the more recent firmware changes - the presence of 2 kernels in particular. After you use it to create a card with SuperZaxxon on it, you will still need to make a few manual adjustments so it works the same as a full flash, see here:

That said, the card should still boot, but only with the new kernel. Maybe the image was corrupt, or there were even more tweaks that have caused another problem.

Check that the kernel is actually present on the card, in the path specified and with the same name as in the autoboot.txt file.

If you used the pandora-rootfs.tar.bz2 file from -

Then it should be the latest release you're using.
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Thanks a lot for this valuable input. I'll try as soon as I have some of the other problems sorted out.
I tried to fix the result of the pnd-Installer created SD (copied uImage-3to the BOOT partition), and had to adapt a handful of the parameters.

Your autoboot.txt:

setenv bootargs debug root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 rw rootdelay=2 vram=6272K omapfb.vram=0:3000K mmc_core.removable=0

ext2load mmc 0:3 0x80300000 /boot/uImage-3 

bootm 0x80300000

My now working one:

setenv bootargs debug root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 rw rootdelay=2 vram=6272K omapfb.vram=0:3000K mmc_core.removable=0

fatload mmc 0:1 0x80300000 uImage-3

bootm 0x80300000

Reasons for differences:

- at least with the pnd-Installer BOOT and ROOT are different partitions. I also have root as third (mmcblk0p3), swap as second, but my boot is the first (therefore mmc 0:1)

- since BOOT has its own partition, it's no subdirectory /boot/ the kernel is in. It's just uImage-3.

- Also, BOOT is on vfat. Therefore, "fatload mmc 0:1".

Thanks again for your helpful hints. They pointed me in the right direction. hth someone, b.
np :)

Yes, the curent version of the installer still creates cards based on the old (pre Super-Zaxxon) configuration, which had the kernel in the Boot partition - so it doesn't create a 'Boot' folder in the Boot partition to hold the kernels as is the current configuration, to use the two linked txt files without changes, the folder has to be created.