Boards so busy now

Well AFAIK I haven't attracted anyone, I've just succeded in showing the weak points of the GP32 to everyone and none on my "friends" are close to buying it.

Heh... I can imagine what you're talking about when you say "friends"... ;)

Sounds pretty much like my own "friends" before I switched schools to an arts school where the students were generally just as strange as me. :P
(ie. check the "interests" section in my biography) ;)

P.S. Indeed, has anyone tried this device with rechargeable batteries? if so, what type & how long did they last?
I only use rechargeables n it... they usually go for a couple of days... so prolly ~5 hours at 133MHz (Using Castaway a lot atm). That is of course, with NI-MH ones... cadmium batteries would kaphutt before you'd even turned it on.
About the many people in this forum.......I have noticed also that there are so many replies to topics now and new people join everyday. It's amazing!!!
Meonlyeviler posted on May 22 2003 said:
10 hours battery life is good
you can share games if you buy them off of liksang
you don't have to connect it to you're computer, just get a smc card reader
all the betas are better then the gba things already... well almost all of them (lazy people programming gb for gp32)
Well, to my "friends" that is enough to make them think that it is terrible, still. Everything I show them somehow gets into their head a being something bad about the GP32 <_<
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If they think the battery life on a GP32 is bad, god help them if they ever get a laptop. Give them a speil like "When I was your age, my gameboy was black and white and the battery lasted 6 hours! And then, I got a [game gear or lynx] with a battery lifespan of about 40 minutes!". Then pull out a laptop, turn it on and pretend to be shocked that it's near flat when you charged it this morning.

Then complain about the lack of games while scrolling through a list of 100 or so classics. :P Then hit them over the head and call them fanboys. I suppose some people just won't be pleased unless if Nintendo decides to buy out Gamepark, then I suppose they'll all say it's the best system ever! Hopefully your friends aren't that bad though... (I still remember when someone I know thought donkey kong country was the first donkey kong game...that WAS funny! until I realised I was getting old...)

I like sarcasm :)
But my "friends" don't like clasics, ITO (in their opinion) new games are the only good ones, and my only 2 thingies were a GBA and GP32, and I am 11, but anyways, it dosen't really matter if they like it or not, because I do ;)
In which case you'll be able to thump them over the head with SNES emulation in due course...
Then ask them to start up MarioKart on their GBAs, and start playing it full screen, higher res, and with more detail and watch their faces change. Repeat with Super mario world, F-Zero 2, and Super Metroid... THEN laugh and hit 'em with megadrive emu and Sonic 3.

Ok, you won't be able to do this too soon, but in a couple of months perhaps :)
Seems like craigix single-handedly caused the explosion of GP32 users.

"Craig, I don't use the word 'hero' very often. But you...are the greatest hero of GP32 history."
heh, craigx's review did it for me :) , I agree rico craigx is now a GP32 legend
rcx like he said just wait until genesis and snes emulation gets done and released im certain ure friends will all want it then.
Oh - and if they complain about things being in Beta stages, just ask them what they'd say if they were offered a chance to play the pre-release version of, say, Metroid Advance 2 (or whatever its calld in its GBA incarnation) a few months before release. I mean, it might not be perfect - of course not - but it'd be damn close by that stage (especially since the last coupld of months could easily be marketing as much as anything else... and testing :) ).

Then if they say "But that's different" reply "How?" :D
rcx are you just trying to beat me rico and axeman in the top3 spammer stakes? ^_^

i reckon one day it'll get to the point where we are refreshing every couple of seconds at the busy points
rcx21000, quit postwhoring. Useless posts will just be deleted.

As for the 'Metroid Advance 2' thing, do you think the Metroid Advance 2 beta would run at about 4 fps ??
i thinks its just great that more people are finding out about the GP32 :D

the more people that buy 1 and show it to there friends the better, thus making more people want to buy the greatest handheld console in the world.

the forum is picking up , which is great, im not one that posts a great deal, i tend to read it more. there must be even more people like me that don't post and just read.

:D :D :D