Blu Vs Flu Speed ??


Feb 22, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
I have a FLU capable of doing 252mHz.. i'm thinking about
getting myself a BLU and sell the FLU to a friend!!

I just want to hear BLU owners how high their gp32_console
are going ??? I would not be happy about selling my
FLU if i get a BLU that only goes to 133..

Any links to previous threads would also be great
.. it's hard to search for FLU, BLU, 133 and so on :rolleyes:
The old GP32's can clock higher, i've never found a 200mhz blu, have seen one which after modding reached the 190's.

Mine goes to 160 mhz, in some games or applications it can go to 166 mhz.
But that is enough for me :)
I had a FLU (Sold it to a friend) which only went up to 156. Bought it from Lik-Sang.

I now have a BLU (from GBAx) which goes at least to 166 (OpenSNES doesn't crash at 166, so it may go even higher ... )
TelcoLou posted on Oct 28 2004 at 10:14 PM said:
I had a FLU (Sold it to a friend) which only went up to 156. Bought it from Lik-Sang.

I now have a BLU (from GBAx) which goes at least to 166 (OpenSNES doesn't crash at 166, so it may go even higher ... )
You really ought to test the clockspeed with GPQuake ;)
And please let me know the result, if you choose to do so!!
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My FLU can handle 252Mhz, 256MHz for a little while (without the light).

If I would get a BLU, I would keep my FLU just for good old times... :rolleyes:
GPJosh posted on Oct 28 2004 at 08:51 PM said:
Wasn't it shown that somewhere around 180, the clockspeed didn't make a big difference, if at all?

Yes and no. For some programs, during the hack-it-up era (i.e. pre-OS9x, typically) and before 16-bit emus in ASM started turning up, you're right. Increasing the CPU speed seemed to do little in terms off affecting the speed.

However, you have only to try the Mr. Mirko clocktester or GPQuake at the higher clockspeeds to find that there is a quite substantial difference. I suspect the reason it didn't used to work was simply because the hacking went wrong somewhere along the line, but it could also have been something to do with internal timings inside the proggy, potentially. I suspect its simply because the CPU was hacked up without the RAM though, which would leave that as a bottleneck to limit performance increase.
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craigix posted on Oct 28 2004 at 06:27 PM said:
The old GP32's can clock higher, i've never found a 200mhz blu, have seen one which after modding reached the 190's.


I got my Blu from you Craig and I volt modded it myself .
Stable at 200 mhz in OpenSnes , and stable to 208 in the clockspeed test.

I guess it just depends on what resistors you use. :D
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jonjandran posted on Oct 29 2004 at 01:10 AM said:
craigix posted on Oct 28 2004 at 06:27 PM said:
The old GP32's can clock higher, i've never found a 200mhz blu, have seen one which after modding reached the 190's.


I got my Blu from you Craig and I volt modded it myself .
Stable at 200 mhz in OpenSnes , and stable to 208 in the clockspeed test.

I guess it just depends on what resistors you use. :D

Careful with those resistors though. Get too crazy with too much voltage and your BLU will go to 0 mhz. There is that Cobbleware site that explains the recommended values.
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