Black Gp32

craigix said:
I'm not sure I want to sell these either, I should put a black GP32 up on ebay every few months :)

I seem to remember them being very rare, less than 200 made?

I guess the Astonisha pack is the rarest of all.
You wouldn't sell just one? I just have a gp32 motherboard and screen on my windowsill at the moment, my GP32 is de-shelled, take pity! :(
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Craig, how about a picture of this supposed box of rare shells? You can even throw in a piece of paper that says "to placate dcgm" :P

Also LOL, this thread has 666 views...and it's FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!!! :o :o :o
Hehehe I did almost take a photo with the forum post in the background today! The only reason I didn't was because I could not find the digital camera.

I'll take a photo tomorrow if I'm at the office.