Beta Bit Torrent Client


Jul 25, 2006
Does anyone know of a bit torrent client that could be made to run on Pandora? It would make my day if someone could PND one up.

Not overly hopeful though as I did a quick google search and drew a blank for 'Arm Linux Torrent Client'.

In my eye the Pandora would be an excellent system for downloading torrents, low power, no noise except perhaps from an attached USB2 external drive. Could also use USB ethernet 'til the WIFI speed issue is sorted.

Good way to use the device whilst charging overnight as well IMHO.
I had success using rtorrent which is in the angstrom repos. It's text/console based, but fairly sophisticated and gets the job done. I suspect that it has little to no dependencies, and should be a easy package for someone to make into a PND.
I'm using transmission on my NAS (arm5 cpu) for years without any problems :) I just can't get why someone would want a torrent client on a handheld...
You can install transmission in opkg, it's in angstrom repositories. Just run "sudo opkg update" (takes about 50mb on NAND if you're not booting from a SD) and install transmission and transmission-gui ("sudo opkg install transmission transmission-gui" Requires wifi. I've installed it but haven't tried it, it runs fine though. I recommend booting from a SD. I also suggested to EvilDragon to include it in the stock firmware, I don't think he agreed but maybe when he sees this thread he will. It has almost everything else preinstalled, like web browser, IM, IRC client, word processor, spreadsheet editor... for those who want to use the Pandora instead of a laptop on the go a torrent client is really useful, especially with an external HDD.
a torrent client would be very nice
the pandora has a very low power consumtion compared to my PC :P

then i could run my torrents all night without stopping it :)

Jdbye said:
You can install transmission in opkg, it's in angstrom repositories. Just run "sudo opkg update" (takes about 50mb on NAND if you're not booting from a SD) and install transmission and transmission-gui ("sudo opkg install transmission transmission-gui" Requires wifi. I've installed it but haven't tried it, it runs fine though. I recommend booting from a SD. I also suggested to EvilDragon to include it in the stock firmware, I don't think he agreed but maybe when he sees this thread he will. It has almost everything else preinstalled, like web browser, IM, IRC client, word processor, spreadsheet editor... for those who want to use the Pandora instead of a laptop on the go a torrent client is really useful, especially with an external HDD.

just transmission-gui is enough...
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sebt3 said:
I'm using transmission on my NAS (arm5 cpu) for years without any problems :) I just can't get why someone would want a torrent client on a handheld...

I head to tournaments often that offer free wifi, a torrent client seems like it would be useful so I could leave the system in my pocket the whole time to download and seed files. Not the best reason, but still a decent one.

That aside, makes the system feel a bit more portable by not requiring a PC for something it can do fine while charging.
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sebt3 said:
I'm using transmission on my NAS (arm5 cpu) for years without any problems :) I just can't get why someone would want a torrent client on a handheld...

because all my laptops make noses while turned on...
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sebt3 said:
I'm using transmission on my NAS (arm5 cpu) for years without any problems :) I just can't get why someone would want a torrent client on a handheld...

Korlithiel said:
I head to tournaments often that offer free wifi, a torrent client seems like it would be useful so I could leave the system in my pocket the whole time to download and seed files. Not the best reason, but still a decent one.

That aside, makes the system feel a bit more portable by not requiring a PC for something it can do fine while charging.
zoranc said:
because all my laptops make noses while turned on...
GizmoTheGreen said:
and its low powered!

I can see what you are doing !!!!

(successfully btw)
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Many thanks Sebt3.

Testing now, seems to work fine with a few UI problems. Such as the option to add a torrent requiring the dialogue box to be moved up the screen so add torrent can be selected. My guess is that it is looking for a screen resolution of 800 X 600 min.

Just a little note to anyone testing this, it seems to take a little longer to add peers than my desktop client (uTorrent) so be patient when first adding torrents.

Do you have any plans to mention this rather lovely new .PND in the news section or upload it to pandora apps? It would be a shame not to IMHO as it adds a fairly significant arrow to the already bulging quiver of our beloved Pandora.
Mr Loon said:
Do you have any plans to mention this rather lovely new .PND in the news section or upload it to pandora apps? It would be a shame not to IMHO as it adds a fairly significant arrow to the already bulging quiver of our beloved Pandora.
I'm not using this, and I didn't tested at all (beside validating that it *start*). So I needed someone to tests and report back before uploading this somewhere more official.
Now that you have done this part of the work, I'll upload this on the FA (feel free to post this on the app-store too).
Thanks for your involvment in this release :P
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As above, this worked straight away for me as well. Adding a torrent was a bit funny as i needed to just hit the enter button as the standard button was off screen. The torrent started pretty slow but the speed kept picking up so hopefully won't be restricted at all.
kNeo gHau said:
As above, this worked straight away for me as well. Adding a torrent was a bit funny as i needed to just hit the enter button as the standard button was off screen. The torrent started pretty slow but the speed kept picking up so hopefully won't be restricted at all.

you can hold shift (or left shoulder button) and move the window around with your stylus, to reach the bottom :)
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Nice, can anyone report back on speed? Would be kinda useless if it crawls around, i hope it performs (almost) as well as on a standard PC.
GizmoTheGreen said:
kNeo gHau said:
As above, this worked straight away for me as well. Adding a torrent was a bit funny as i needed to just hit the enter button as the standard button was off screen. The torrent started pretty slow but the speed kept picking up so hopefully won't be restricted at all.

you can hold shift (or left shoulder button) and move the window around with your stylus, to reach the bottom :)
Ahhh crafty! Cheers for that :D

Wolfsclaw said:
Nice, can anyone report back on speed? Would be kinda useless if it crawls around, i hope it performs (almost) as well as on a standard PC.
Using my crappy home 2.5mb connection it's downloading at the expected speed, however the speed keeps jumping. IE max transfer rate is 300kb/s, so i'll drop to 7kb/s for a few secs then jump to 1.2mb/s then 300kb/s again.

Right now my wireless isn't going to connect so can't say how it works over a decent period of time
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