Big fat evil PC-Link prob.


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Mar 26, 2003
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Well, I am trying to copy the whole (full version) DOOM.WAD file to the GP32, but a ~4MB it freezes!??!?? It also does this when I try to copy the mario tennis ROM for GPVGB. Please don't tell me to get a SMC reader, because I don't have enough money for one :( :angry: :blink: :( <_< :angry:
It's supposed to freeze for about 10 secs, but anything after that I don't know. Just try waiting for a little bit, but you may have already thought of that.
Whenever I have a PC Link problem, I unplug the USB cable at both ends and then plug it in again, firmly. It sounds like a really simple thing to suggest but almost 90% of the problems I've had with PC Link are to do with the cable not being connected properly at either end. I think the connection that goes into the PC sometimes works itself loose because you're moving the GP32 around slightly. Also, as several other people have pointed out on this board, the rubber cover on the GP32 end of the cable makes it difficult to see if it's fully connected.

Hope this helps.
I think the "freezing" problem is down to the way PC-Link operates. If you are transfering a large file (I've just been transfering an 80mb .avi) it will pause several times and then restart, but I've never had a transfer fail completely.

<_< sometimes when its finished transfering eg say 1000kb of 1000kb the window will stay there and nevr leave. If i then just force close it ctrl alt del the file is there anyway on my gp32 and works fine. It seems to just fail to notice when something is done transfering?
Notes on PC-Link...

1) If it seems to lock up at the end of a file, the chances are your batteries are dead... often does it - but its supposed to lock for a few moments anyway - always does that.

2) If it locks for 30 seconds every 3 megs (around 3100000 bytes) this is entirely normal. It resumes after that.

3) If its jamming at 256kb and then "times out" then you should *try* using a different machine, pclink.gxb, or if you're on the Multi-fw, the PC-Link on the official firmware as opposed to the pacrom one.

Those are the various bits I've discovered. Hope it helps :)
Well, I'll try the Muti-FW method (I do have it now BTW), is dosn't just freeze for 30secs, it gives me a "Timed out" message, and I have plugged and unplugged 1000s of times another prob that it could be is that I just tried my defective (well it was a year ago) USB hub. I'll see what I can do :) BTW, anyone ever had problems with D-Link DSB-H4 USB Hub before? Mine only works perfectly with 2 of my devices and my USB-Ethernet and my old Cam (and mabye the GP32, too) always mess up with it, and also every 2 seconds my comp says "device disconnected" then in 5secs it says "found new hardware, installing" then in 10secs it says "hardware install failed" I think I'm going to have to get a new USB hub ;) Just want to know if all of them are bad quality or something.
It doesnt freeze, I use xp and when I copy big or multiple files the window goes white and I cant do anything with it until its done, but it still copies...Look at your gp32 screen it will show whats being copied.

But I dont use "hacked" drivers, I just got the win2k one from
But PC-Link specificly satys "timed out" (well, I think I atleast fixed it temp because with the PC-Link in the mutifw it works :))
I had the same problem too and I tried original and hacked drivers.
So I flashed the bios and use pclink-bios from Darkfader.
Now it freezes at big file installations the OS (winXP) including timeout message at the gp32 screen.
Somebody told me that this prob is because the PC-Link software is using up so much system ressources but I have a REALLY powerful machine so.... <_<
rcx21000 posted on May 24 2003 said:
Please don't tell me to get a SMC reader, because I don't have enough money for one
The Windows SW is nerve-wrecking, so just do yourself a favor and buy one of the cheap card readers popping up everywhere as soon as you can, just for peace of mind. It's a lot faster and more reliable.

Talking about reliable, I tried two hama 6-in-1 Pocket Readers (hama is a big distributor only, so I don't know the actual manufacturer), and both had problems with large files, like MP3s. I was wondering why my MP3s stopped after about 30s, and finally found out that the card reader was corrupting files over a few 100KB. Maybe that's what they meant with "some readers don't work with GP32"? It didn't work at all, that is :angry:

So, if you get a new card reader, plug it in and just copy a really large file on your SMC, copy it back on your PC and compare both files. If they're exactly the same, all is fine, if they are not, return it to the store and get another model.

That's what I did, finally, and after that I got the cool Coke-can-like reader (+2-port USB hub) from Lead Data. hama is selling this one as well under their own label, BTW, though I preferred to get the original Lead Data version after all the hassles I had with my first hama model (and it was cheaper anyway).
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But the hacked drivers work better with XP, and are more stable. Anyways, I did get it to copy after a while (if I didn't already say this, I don't remember :P )
Some more notes:

If it stops at 100%, just click the close button (top-right) of the download window, no need to Ctrl+Alt+Del.
Also it goes white because the window is set to Idle priority and doesn't bother to update rendering that often - Windows programmers will know the application must redraw when it gets certain messages, and PC-Link just doesn't bother because you don't really need it.

- Rico
hi can someone tell me where to get the windows xp hack from. I had it but I was pissin around with my phone and i unpluged the gp32 usb cable and now i cant remember the site i got it from ive tried searchin on google but i cant find it :( with out it my gp32 just an expensive orniment