Best way to bulk convert videos for pandora use (from linux)


Very Active Member
Jan 8, 2010
Hello all,

What I want to do is pretty simple, just convert videos from h263 h264 in HD to something more suitable for pandora. I'm thinking in something old divx files from 10 years ago (man I'm old).

I really run a lot of tests with avconv and no matter what I try I end up with a video that looks like crap or else something bigger than the original file. Last time it was something like:

`avconv -y -i "${filename}" -s 760x540 -c:v mpeg4 -b:v 1200k -pass 1 -an -f mp4 /dev/null < /dev/null`
`avconv -i "${filename}" -s 760x540 -c:v mpeg4 -b:v 1200k -pass 2 -acodec copy -threads 12 "${filenameclean}"_low"${extension}" < /dev/null`

But this way I get a file with many artifacts specially when there is a fading between light and color, I don't really know how to explain well.

Does anyone with more experience can give some advice?

I'm not looking for avconv only, anything available in debian jessie suits me. As long as I can convert videos in bulk with it. Nowadays I just run avconv within a script that converts the file.
I am using handbrake for this. Has some presets that are working nicely on the Pandora - the files I currently create (mkv) work fine even on VLC. Looking good and sound is fine as well (of course that also depends on the source file)
I use a slightly adjusted Android 480p30 preset. Great thing is that you can make the adjusted preset the default and very conveniently add a folder and select all files in the folder or make a selection for conversion. Preparing a new batch of files can be done within a minute. No glitches in the output files as far as I know or problems with sound delay. Has a ton of options to tweak even further.
yeah, go for handbrake, it's presets are great, just select, encode and enjoy
Indeed handbrake is whatvI was looking for.

I run some tests and android preset is still on the usable edge. Running the output files with vlc on pandora (1Ghz) still produces glitches due to performance.

Any advice? I tested manual options and there is only h264 and mpeg4. The second looks pretty bad.
well. It turns out that the link to the file is broken.

I made some tests and my advice is to use mpeg4 limited to 1500kbps. The resultant fike is pretty big for today standrds (300MB for 20 min chapter) but pandora loads them without problem.

The conclusion is that I need a pyra urgently.