Best Value Alcohol

duuuuudeeee, not cool.

burns are nasty buggers.

summer last year, i was sat in my room bored with an empty jar and a lighter.

i decided it would be a great game to place the upturned jar on the toilet seat with a small portion of the jar top open over the toilet seat.

i then sat next to it, pressed down the button on the lighter, my logic was that the jar would fill with gas, i could then light it and watch fire inside a jar!!!

how wrong was i!

i lit the gas and it proceeded to literally explode out of the bottom of the jar, burning a good half of my hand.

couldn't leave the house for a good three days as i needed constant cold water and ice on it, really should have gone to the doctors!
Speckled Hen
Beamish Red
Whitbread Trophy
Marstons Pedigree
Newcastle Brown Ale
+ an occaisonal Guiness

None.. it ALL tastes like wee!

Vodka + lemonade
Vodka + redbull
Black Vodka
Cherry Vodka
Smirnoff Black Ice
+ whatever bizarre short/combo my daft mate thinks up next ;-)