Best Usb-gamepad Under Linux

For 3D games, the 360 is one of the best controllers I've ever used, bar none. It's very ergonomic and everything is fairly responsive. I know some people don't like where the left analog stick is placed, but since most games for the 360 use it, it makes sense to have it in a more prominent position than the d-pad. The d-pad is my only real complaint with either XBox controller, 360 or original, and it's why I need a completely different controller for classic emulation.

For the oldies, I really like the Elecom retro controllers I bought from J-List/JBox/whatever. They work great for retrogaming and I personally recommend them, as it's tough to find a good digital-only pad these days. Downsides are the location of the USB cable, which is slightly awkward but not a big deal, and the shoulder buttons, which have obviously been compromised to preserve the retro look of the controller. They are still usable, though.
Vimacs said:
you need a patch to use the sixaxis over bluetooth in linux as it authenticates using usb instead of bluetooth, check

FYI, the latest bluez has support for sixaxis builtin. You still need to pair it via the custom util, but no patches are needed so long as you've got a newer version of bluez.

If you want the motion sensor accessible, one patch you *do* still need is the "inertial sensors" hidraw patch lower in the page.

I really hope the Pandora devs get the new bluez (been out for a while, but still not in some distros like Debian) and apply the hidraw patch (very small, mindnumbling easy) - I want sixaxis to work out of the box!
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I think I'll be using nothing less than the original Xbox "Duke" controller. :P Need to wire up an adapter first, though.

I have a lot of options here though, provided I use adapters. It will take some experiments to see which controllers work best. :unsure:
mechanizeddeath said:
I think I'll be using nothing less than the original Xbox "Duke" controller. :P
Hell yea! ;) A fellow Duke supporter.

-God Ginrai
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