Best Txt Reader


NazcaBeer Spokesman
Feb 9, 2004
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srry don't have a lot of time to search for any
but in your opinion what is the best text reader for gp32

also what was the text reader that could also play mp3's?


- Tekt5
I've used Lazyreader (it can play .mods) and !reader.

I prefer !reader.
I wonder about which one can use the largest files.
The complete works of William Shakespeare is 5+ megs.

I tried to load up the bible in !reader once and it crashed ... I had to split it into old & new testaments.

I'm currently reading The Lord Of The Rings (all 3 books) ... it's ~2.4MB and loads fine.
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I would also prefer !reader, its really good, has basic rtf and html support and a autoscroll function.
I just ordered my BLU from LikSang yesterday mostly due to its large screen for reading ebooks and also for playing games from my childhood (C-64, ATARI ST...).

The question I have regards to support of foreign char sets in GP32 readers. I tried to test !reader in geepee32 before ordering real unit, but I failed and ordered BLU anyway. There is also kReader from Windups, that looks really nice, but I was also not able to test it.

So can someone confirm if it is possible to successfully open foreign documents in GP32 ereaders?

Thank you.
I don't think any of the actual readers for the GP32 can handle the language that you mean.
I don't know the Czech character set, but if Czech text files are one byte by character, I think you could manage to prepare your own font and use VText for example, without to many problems.

Hey PiNa1971! Finally another czech GP32 owner!! :) I thought none here knew about the GP32 until now.

Regarding your question:

Ceske znaky jsem nezkousel, ctu knizky v anglictine, ale jsem si temer jist ze jen tak bez dalsich uprav programu to nepujde. Samozrejme zalezi na tom, jestli autor pouziva standardni GP32 fonty nebo si udelal vlastni, ale jelikoz to neni cech, urcite cestinu podporovat nebude.
Jedine ceske znaky ktere jsem na GP32 videl byly v mem Anglicko-Ceskem slovniku a pouze se zobrazuji, neni mozne je psat, GP32 chatboard na to ma malo klaves :)
Ok guys, thank you for your feedback. I am used to ebook reader for GBA SP, that is really powerful and it is possible to add your font during creation of .gba file for flashing. Check it out at: - but GBA's LCD became too small for me :(

But in case of any troubles, I will create my own font. That's not an issue.

@WF: I also dont know other czech GP32 user than you, but my BLU is still on the way to me. And I have couple of friends who are about to order their BLU machines too.