Best Solar Charger For Pandora


Jan 21, 2006
I hoping that few quid that I have still have access to will actually be worth something, enough to buy a solar charger when (if) my Pandora arrives- hey lets be realistic now eh? Don't want to let the supermajors and jesuits spoil my computing fun! I jest!?

A quick search of these boards brought up a recommendation of the Solio solar charger but not much else. It would be cool if there was a good solar panel about the same size as the Pandora that you could attach to the lid although that may not provide as much power as the Solio or what-have-you?

What are people getting for free pandora powa?

<Cue usual snidey, blinkered comments from poisonedV >
I know exactly where you're coming from.

I haven't really done much research in this area. Here's a cool looking gadget I just stumbled upon:


You couldn't really attach it to Pandora's lid, but you might be able to play Battleship with it.
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Just get yourself a spare battery and keep it charged. The two batteries together should last you a decade or two.

EMP hardening deserves more consideration. A few rolls of aluminium foil should do the trick. Don't let the commies win!

Also, don't forget to download the internet to an SD. That way you can be the one-eyed man.
I wouldn't suggest attaching a solar charger to the lid of the Pandora. They're quite good at absorbing energy, but still not very efficient at converting it all to electricity. The excess energy is output as heat, and from experience, they can get quite warm if left in the sun. Probably not enough to cause damage, but I wouldn't take the chance.
Besides, flip tops are all the rage now! :P

Thanks, yeah thats the sorta thing. Has anyone already bought such a device and been using it with their PSP/iPhone/Zaurus or whatever? Wonder long does it take to charge via sunlight to get an hour of internet/ video playback on a Pandora ??? Of course no-one can answer that yet.


You joke but it's not funny - this economic crisis has been engineered- just like 9/11 was. If you and your family end up starving just because a bunch of power crazy loons who own your ass (I suggest you research the Society of Jesus of the Rothchild/ Rockefellers) want you dead, will you be laughing then? Both situations are examples of luciferic blood sacrifice - just like most of the wars have been.

Those living in the UK and US will know where I'm coming from - we're having our societies destroyed by occult madmen. Big brother is well and truly here in the UK and they're letting us know!
danboid said:
<Cue usual snidey, blinkered comments from poisonedV >
what is the point of saying that? I wasn't even going to respond to the post until I saw that, and when people act like that, they have no one to blame but themselves when their threads get spammed
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Thats the most level-headed response I've ever had out of you poisonedV (not that I've ever asked for one)- maybe you've changed?
Hmm... Maybe it was the constant linking to the very informative wiki (I click that sig link all the time when I don't feel like typing the URL), but I remember that when I first got an account here, I felt like PoisonedV was something of an expert on... Well, everything I guess.

See! Arrogance can fool the ignorant!

But what about an arrogant ignoramus...?

^that means me, not you, whoever is reading this and feeling offended. Sure. Let's go with that.
Oh damn, danboid. Paranoia aside, I highly doubt playing my Pandora will be a priority when the world goes to hell.

I keep forgetting, my canned bacon storage is low. To the Internets!
@ danboid
I request, that you change your sig and stop posting non Pandora related nonsense.
Read the board rules. :angry:
mali said:
@ danboid
I request, that you change your sig and stop posting non Pandora related nonsense.
Read the board rules. :angry:
just typical conpsiracy stuff. surprised hes not ending every post with "obama and mccain are nwo puppets! 9/11 was a lie!!!!!!!!!' like most of his kin. regardless, his post didn't include anything of the sort, really.
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Lunatic crazyness should be fine in signatures as should be politics. The rules only talk about discussion about it being forbidden as far as I can tell.
OrR said:
Lunatic crazyness should be fine in signatures as should be politics. The rules only talk about discussion about it being forbidden as far as I can tell.
The "projects" his links point to have the sole purpose to rip off retards. It shouldn't be allowed to post it here. I wonder, if he really believes in this :blink:
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Even if you find a good solar charger, I wouldn't want to leave my Pandora out in the sun. That sounds like a big NO NO.
I am using a solar charger (Solio) with my Zaurus C1000. Here are a few consideration :

* I've never tried it, but I've read comments saying that Brando's solar charger are quite inefficient, so my advice is to avoid it !

* Solio works well with the Zaurus ; it requires about 1h30 of sun for 1h of Zaurus.

* However, I fear that Pandora requires more energy than the Zaurus (about twice as much, if it really lasts 10h on a 4000mA x 3.7V battery, whereas Zaurus lasts 8h on a 1800mA x 3.7V battery).

In conclusion, you probably need a bigger solar panel than the Solio for the Pandora :-(
Dingo_aus said:
Danboid given your comments about Big Brother etc I recommend you read a book titled "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand if you have not already done so.

It is worth your time.
I read it, didn't think much of it. I can see why some people (mostly USians) like it though.
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