Best SoC for mobile devices (tablets)?


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
Hi, I'm new to SoC talk, so please excuse my ignorance. Anyhow...

These days, when it comes to playing the graphically high-end Android games, I'm turning into a bit of an overall CPU/GPU performance whore so, I would like some advice on which SoC is the best.

So far, I've heard some negative stuff about Tegra 4 regarding heat issues and so forth, so now I'm condidering a tablet that uses a Snapdragon 800 SoC or a Exynos 5 Dual SoC.

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I would wait for the Note 3's processor. Its an Exynos chip (5240 I think - cant quite remember) it will be an 8-core big.LITTLE chipset that will support Open GL ES 3.0 I.e. Dolphin Wii/GC emulator support
I've heard the Exynos 8 core (5410) has heat issues also. Actually I've heard about heat issues for a  lot of the Exynos SOCs.  It destroyed the Cotton Candy PC Stick which only had a dual core Exynos.  
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Woah, I just realized there are two people on the forums from Melbourne, Aus. Crazy.

Never heard about overheating, but if that's a concern, then the Snapdragon 800 (or 1000 when it comes out) would be your best bet
I agree, but I was trying to look to the future a bit. If Sony is willing to wait it out a bit, the stuff available in the near future will be a lot better.
Wow! Another Aussie on the forums. It just occured to me that this is the only forum that Ive ever seen Austrailians on.... strange
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Australians lurk on this forum like Dropbears waiting to strike.
Snapdragon by far. But I'm biased since I'm a Qualcomm employee  :wub:
It would be great if you could somehow convince your bosses to sell something to ED for a Pandora successor. D: (yeah I know there's no way that'd work)
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Snapdragon by far. But I'm biased since I'm a Qualcomm employee :wub:
It would be great if you could somehow convince your bosses to sell something to ED for a Pandora successor. D: (yeah I know there's no way that'd work)
If only :( Unfortunately I'm just a lowly engineer in an unrelated division.
But a little inside marketing cannot hurt, I can imagine an untapped pandora market in your engineering division:)
But a little inside marketing cannot hurt, I can imagine an untapped pandora market in your engineering division:)
No telephony means no use for my department. If I was a higher up in the business department I'd suggest it, but I'm at the bottom of the totem pole a different department. (I don't work on any of our chips at all)