Best Macintosh Games


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
My first console was the SNES, but I got it used (at least secondhand, if not thirdhand), late in its lifetime. Before that my family had a Performa Mac, which came with games like Spectre and Spin Doctor Challenger. I was able to get lots of games from the library, and others (mostly educational) from the school where my father taught. It had a PowerPC CPU, but most of the software was designed for a 68k CPU, which the OS emulated. Now that we have a Basilisk II port, those should be playable on the Pandora.

In addition to the aforementioned, there is of course Oregon Trail, as well as tons of other "educational" games. Some of these had fairly negligible educational value, of course.

So, any recommendations for Mac games?
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No one has any more? :(

Okay, I'll add a few. Super Maze Wars, MacMan (Pacman clone), and tons of great educational games like MayaQuest, Amazon Trail II, and Super Munchers.
My Mac experience is limited to a class room looong ago. These were the games that got around:

Shufflepuck Cafe


Crazy Cars (sans colour)


Dark Castle


Oh man, nostalgia rush. I must play Dark Castle again!
Hmm, perhaps this can bring new life to all those old games I have lying around? Now I just need to find a floppy disk drive so I can do some backups before my mom throws them away.
Glider pro- A game where you are a paper glider, and you explore a house/yard to collect stars, dodging drips of water and other obstacles along the way. It has a level editor, so you can also make your own levels.


Edit: Where can I download Basilisk II? I don't see it in the archive or AppStore.
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Edit: Where can I download Basilisk II? I don't see it in the archive or AppStore.
I don't think there's an official download for it yet.

This thread has a semi-working version already built.
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I remember Oregon trail! Awesome. I had it on an old mac laptop that had a 4 MINUTE battery life.
OMG Shuffle Puck Cafe. I used to play that to death on the Amiga. I think it was that that honed my FPS twitch gaming mouse control years before I got into the Quakes on PC LOL.
Awesome topic, here's a few gems that I can remember


Crystal Crazy

3 in Three

Systems Twilight

Fools Errand


Keys to the kastle

Alberts house (point and click basically)


Bill the Demon


Cairo Shootout

Where in the world is carmen sandiego

There's lots more but my brain is overloaded right now
The only mac game I ever played (but I liked it) was Nanosaur,

it seems to have been ported to windows since and Wikipedia mentions an incomplete linux port (which is nowhere to be found)

Anyway, I guess this game is still a decade or so too new to run on the panda :D
Dark castle was indeed great...

SimCity was quite good too, through loading it on a MAC+ without harddisk was quite boring. I also loved a tiny game named Social Climber.
My favorite 68k mac games were

Radical Castle - I used to know how to beat it but can't figure it out now

Downhill Racer



Hypercard - Not a game but I built games with it and it taught me to program!

Microsoft Flight Simulator


The Manhole
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Number Munchers, I was shocked to find out my nephew has never played that game. What the heck does he do all day? Oregon Trail was also a favorite and he doesn't play that at school either but he plays it at home and loves it.

Also Castle Wolfenstien was on all the mac computers in my junior high so whenever I play it I remember the macs we had. Also Hexen II, the demo again, it was pretty fun but the icon was called 'hex' and the title screen was messed up so I never knew what game it was until later.