Best Games, By System, By Genre


Still Fresh
Jun 25, 2004
Just recently got back in to emulation and will be buying a GP32 within the next couple of months. For now I have been enjoying using emulators on the PC. Was looking for the best games to play and thought I'd start a thread to take your votes on the best games. Please indicate how well each of your nominations can be played on the GP32. They don't have to be playable on the GP32 to be nominated .So can I have your nominations please for

1. Platform
2. Racing
3. RPG
4. Shoot Em Up
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling)
6. Beat Em Up (vs)
7. Soccer
8. Tennis
9. Golf
10. Misc (no specific genre)

My nomination
1. Mario All Stars
2. Mario Kart
3. (Don't really play them)
4. Smash TV
5. ?
6. Street Fighter 2
7. Sensible Soccer
8. Super Tennis
9. PGA Tour Golf
10. ?

1. Platform
2. Racing
3. RPG
4. Shoot Em Up
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling)
6. Beat Em Up (vs)
7. Soccer
8. Tennis
9. Golf
10. Misc (no specific genre)

'fraid I don't really play much Megadrive, but here goes.
1. Cool Spot
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. Mortal Kombat
7. Fifa 97
8. ?
9. ?
1. Platform
2. Racing
3. RPG
4. Shoot Em Up
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling)
6. Beat Em Up (vs)
7. Soccer
8. Tennis
9. Golf
10. Misc (no specific genre)

1.Mario allstars
2.Street racer
5.dont play em
6." "
7.Fifa 98
1. Platform - Mario World
2. Racing - Mario Kart
3. RPG - Mystical Ninja
4. Shoot Em Up - erm, Smash TV was the one I played the most
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling) - Final Fight Series
6. Beat Em Up (vs) - Mortal Kombat 2
7. Soccer - ISS
8. Tennis - Smash Court Tennis
9. Golf - Wasn't into it at the time, not tried one on the Snes.
10. Misc (no specific genre) - AEROBIZ SUPERSONIC!!!!!
1. Platform
2. Racing
3. RPG
4. Shoot Em Up
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling)
6. Beat Em Up (vs)
7. Soccer
8. Tennis
9. Golf
10. Misc (no specific genre)

My nomination
1. Mario All Stars
2. Mario Kart
3. Zelda
4. ?
5. ?
6. Super Street Fighter 2
7. International Superstar Soccer Deluxe
8. ?
9. ?
10.Starwing (german name of Starfox)
1. Platform
2. Racing
3. RPG
4. Shoot Em Up
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling)
6. Beat Em Up (vs)
7. Soccer
8. Tennis
9. Golf
10. Misc (no specific genre)

My nomination
1. Mario All Stars
2. Mario Kart
3. Final Fantasy VI
4. Starfox
5. ?
6. Street Fighter 2: Turbo
7. ?
8. Super Tennis
9. ?
10. ?

1. Platform
2. Racing
3. RPG
4. Shoot Em Up
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling)
6. Beat Em Up (vs)
7. Soccer
8. Tennis
9. Golf
10. Misc (no specific genre)

1. Sonic 3
2. ?
3. Phantasy Star IV
4. Raiden
5. ?
6. Mortal Kombat 2
7. ?
8. ?
9. ?
10. ?
1. SMW
2. mario cart
3. crono trigger
4. don't play much
5. ' '
6. ssftt
7. don't play much
8. ' '
9. special tee shot bs
10. mario paint
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Snes games--

1. Mario world or Allstars ( too tougha decision to decide which).
2. Super Mario Kart
3. Chrono Trigger or Earthbound
4. Starfox
5. Super Double Dragon
6. Street fighter 2 turbo
7. I don't play footy games!!!!
8. Super Tennis (don't like it too much though).
9. Golf?? too boring!! :P
10. Pilotwings (kicks ass, especially that ridiculous msuic on the Rocket Belt tests, shame it don't work on the GP though :( ).

Mega Drive Games--

1. Sonic 1,2,3 etc or Ghouls n'Ghosts
2. Outrun
3. Never played an RPG on the mega drive.
4. Contra Hardcorps
5. Any of the Streets of Rage games.
6. Street fighter 2: special championship edition
7. N/A
8. N/A
9. N/A
10. NBA jam tournament edition.
1. Platform-Megaman X2
2. Racing- Bikermice From Mars
3. RPG- Terranigma
4. Shoot Em Up- Wild Guns
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling)- ?
6. Beat Em Up (vs)- Yuu Yuu Hakasho 2
7. Soccer- Rockman Soccer
8. Tennis- ?
9. Golf- ?
10. Misc-Shadowrun
1. Platform - Super MArio World
2. Racing - Super Mario Kart
3. RPG - Chrono Trigger
4. Shoot Em Up - Super Smash TV
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling) - Final Fight
6. Beat Em Up (vs) - Killer Instinct
7. Soccer - Sensible Soccer
8. Tennis - Super Tennis
9. Golf - N/A
10. Misc (no specific genre) - Starwing ("Star Fox")
LHC posted on Aug 19 2004 at 09:46 PM said:
1. Platform - Super MArio World
2. Racing - Super Mario Kart
3. RPG - Chrono Trigger
4. Shoot Em Up - Super Smash TV
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling) - Final Fight
6. Beat Em Up (vs) - Killer Instinct
7. Soccer - Sensible Soccer
8. Tennis - Super Tennis
9. Golf - N/A
10. Misc (no specific genre) - Starwing ("Star Fox")
What he said.
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1. Platform: Super Mario World
2. Racing : Super Mario Kart
3. RPG : Final Fantasy 3(6)
4. Shoot Em Up : Assault Suits Valken
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling) : Batman Returns
6. Beat Em Up (vs) : Street Fighter 2 Turbo
7. Soccer : International Superstar Soccer
8. Tennis : Super Tennis
9. Golf : Kirby's Tee Shot
10. Misc (no specific genre) : Super Bomberman 2

(shit you've just reminded me why I should go for a 180mhz BLU instead of regular... so I can play all of these faster! :D)

1. Platform : Sonic 1
2. Racing : Rock n Roll Racing
3. RPG : Shining Force 2
4. Shoot Em Up : Truxton! (oh alright, Gunstar Heroes)
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling) : Streets Of Rage 2
6. Beat Em Up (vs) : Street Fighter 2
7. Soccer : Sensible Soccer International Edition
8. Tennis : Andre Agassi Tennis?
9. Golf : Devil's Course
10. Misc (no specific genre) : Puyo Puyo (aka Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine)
Best PSX games:
1. Platform-Crash Bandicoot 3
2. Racing-Wipeout 2097
3. RPG-Final Fantasy 7
4. Shoot Em Up-
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling)-
6. Beat Em Up (vs)-Soul Blade
7. Soccer-
8. Tennis-
9. Golf-Actua Golf
10. Misc-

Best Dreamcast games:
1. Platform-Sonic Adventure
2. Racing-Rush 2049
3. RPG-Skies Of Arcadia
4. Shoot Em Up-Ikaruga
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling)-
6. Beat Em Up (vs)-Soul Calibur
7. Soccer-
8. Tennis-
9. Golf-
10. Misc-Jet Set Radio

Best GB/C games:
1. Platform-Super Mario Land
2. Racing-
3. RPG- Pokemon Gold/ Silver
4. Shoot Em Up- R-Type DX
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling)-
6. Beat Em Up (vs)-
7. Soccer-
8. Tennis- "Tennis"
9. Golf-
10. Misc

Best GBA games
1. Platform-Super Mario World
2. Racing- Konami Krazy Racers
3. RPG- Golden Sun
4. Shoot Em Up- Doom
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling)-
6. Beat Em Up (vs)- Street Fighter
7. Soccer-
8. Tennis-
9. Golf-
10. Misc-

That will do for now :/
Alrighty then, let's see...

Best PSX games:
1. Platform : Castlevania Symphony of the Night
2. Racing : Wipeout 2097
3. RPG : Final Fantasy 7
4. Shoot Em Up : Einhander
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling) : Gekido
6. Beat Em Up (vs) : Soul Blade
7. Soccer : International Superstar Soccer
8. Tennis : Hmm... never played any.
9. Golf : Hot Shots Golf
10. Misc : Parappa the Rapper

Best Dreamcast games:
1. Platform : Sonic Adventure 2
2. Racing : Vanishing Point
3. RPG : Shenmue
4. Shoot Em Up : Ikaruga
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling) : Beats of Rage
6. Beat Em Up (vs) : Soul Calibur
7. Soccer : On Dreamcast? You're kidding.
8. Tennis : Virtua Tennis 2
9. Golf : I think there was only one - Tee Off
10. Misc : Rez

Best GB/C games:
1. Platform : Super Mario Land
2. Racing : RC Pro-Am
3. RPG : Final Fantasy Legend
4. Shoot Em Up : Dropzone
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling) : Double Dragon
6. Beat Em Up (vs) : Geeze, they all sucked.
7. Soccer : FIFA 97
8. Tennis : Mario Tennis
9. Golf : Mario Golf
10. Misc : Tetris

Best GBA games
1. Platform : Metroid Fusion
2. Racing : F Zero GP Legend
3. RPG : Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
4. Shoot Em Up : Gradius Galaxies
5. Beat Em Up (Scrolling) : River City Ransom EX
6. Beat Em Up (vs) : SF2 Revival
7. Soccer : ISS
8. Tennis : Well, Mario Tennis is coming soon... for now, I guess the conversion of Virtua Tennis
9. Golf : Mario Golf Advance Tour
10. Misc : Wario Ware
I'm not a big fan of sports games- the only two I've ever enjoyed are Tecmo Bowl (American football) and Neo Turf Masters (golf)- so, I'll leave them out of my rankings, in interest of including a few other genres instead.

1) Platformer- Mega Man 2
2) Racing- Rad Racer
3) Fighting (Vs)- TMNT Tournament Fighters (by default)
4) Fighting (Scrolling)- River City Ransom
5) RPG- Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
6) Shooter- Life Force
7) Puzzle- Bomberman 2
8) Adventure- Maniac Mansion
9) Strategy- Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2
10) Misc-

1) Platformer- Sonic 3 and Knuckles
2) Racing- Outrun
3) Fighting (vs)- Samurai Shodown
4) Fighting (scrolling)- Streets of Rage 2
5) RPG- Shadow Run
6) Shooter- Gunstar Heroes
7) Puzzle- Columns 3
8) Adventure- Beyond Oasis
9) Strategy- Warsong
10) Misc-

1) Platformer- Mega Man X
2) Racing- Mario Kart
3) Fighting Vs- Fatal Fury Special
4) Fighting Scrolling- Super Double Dragon
5) RPG- Ultima 6- The False Prophet
6) Shooter- Sunset Riders
7) Puzzle- Bust-A-Move
8) Adventure- Illusion of Gaia
9) Strategy- Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen

1) Platformer- Sonic Jam
2) Racing- Sonic R
3) Fighting Vs- King of Fighters '96
4) Fighting Scrolling- Guardian Heroes
5) RPG- Panzer Dragoon Saga
6) Shooter- Radiant Silvergun
7) Puzzle- Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
8) Adventure- Legend of Oasis
9) Strategy- Shining Force 3

1) Platformer- Castlevania Chronicles
2) Racing- Haven't played a good one yet.
3) Fighting Vs- King of Fighters '99
4) Fighting Scrolling- Gekido
5) RPG- Dragon Warrior 7
6) Shooter- R-Types
7) Puzzle- Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
8) Adventure- Alundra
9) Strategy- Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together

1) Platformer- Super Mario 64
2) Racing- Mario Kart 64
3) Fighting Vs- Not a single good one...
4) Fighting Scrolling- By the time the N64 rolled around, this was a dead genre.
5) RPG- Paper Mario
6) Shooter- I'm not a big fan of FPS...
7) Puzzle- Bust-A-Move '99
8) Adventure- Mega Man 64
9) Strategy- Ogre Battle 64- Person of Lordly Calibre

1) Platformer- Sonic Adventure 2
2) Racing- Haven't played any
3) Fighting Vs- King of Fighters Evolution
4) Fighting Scrolling- N/A
5) RPG- Skies of Arcadia
6) Shooter- Giga Wing
7) Puzzle- Chu Chu Rocket
8) Adventure- N/A
9) Strategy- N/A

1) Platformer- Haven't played any good ones
2) Racing- Same here
3) Fighting Vs- King of Fighters 2000/2001
4) Fighting Scrolling- N/A
5) RPG- Wizardry- Tales of the Forsaken Land
6) Shooter- R-Type Final
7) Puzzle- N/A
8) Adventure- Dark Cloud 2
9) Strategy- Disgaea- The Hour of Darkness

1) Platformer- Super Mario Sunshine
2) Racing- Mario Kart Double Dash
3) Fighting Vs- Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO
4) Fighting Scrolling- N/A
5) RPG- Tales of Symphonia
6) Shooter - Ikuraga
7) Puzzle- Bust-A-Move 3000
8) Adventure- Legend of Zelda- The Wind Waker
9) Strategy- Not one now, but Fire Emblem is coming...

1) Platformer- Milon's Secret Castle
2) Racing- N/A
3) Fighting Vs- Samurai Shodown (Actually, a really good conversion!)
4) Fighting Scrolling- Double Dragon
5) RPG- The Sword of Hope 2
6) Shooter- Gradius- The Interstellar Assualt (AKA Nemesis 2; It was released under two different titles here in the States for whatever funky reason.)
7) Puzzle- Bust-A-Move 3
8) Adventure- Legend of Zelda- Link's Awakening
9) Strategy- Nobunaga's Ambition

1) Platformer- Mega Man X-treme 2
2) Racing- N/A
3) Fighting Vs- Power Quest
4) Fighting Scrolling- N/A
5) RPG- Lufia: The Legend Returns
6) Shooter- R-Type DX
7) Puzzle- Bust-A-Move Millenium
8) Adventure- Legend of Zelda- Oracle of Seasons
9) Strategy- Heroes of Might and Magic

1) Platformer- Mega Man Zero 2
2) Racing- Mario Kart Super Circuit
3) Fighting Vs- King of Fighters EX2: Howling Blood
4) Fighting Scrolling- A tie- Double Dragon Advance and River City Ransom EX
5) RPG- Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga
6) Shooter- Gradius Galaxies
7) Puzzle- Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
8) Adventure- Shining Soul 2
9) Strategy- Shining Force- Ressurection of the Dark Dragon

1) Platformer- Sonic Triple Trouble
2) Racing- Sonic Drift 2
3) Fighting Vs- Fatal Fury Special
4) Fighting Scrolling- Streets of Rage 2
5) RPG- Defenders of Oasis
6) Shooter- Halley Wars
7) Puzzle- Puyo Puyo 2 (Which I imported. You gotta problem with that?)
8) Adventure- Wonderboy- The Dragon's Trap
9) Strategy- Crystal Warriors

1) Platformer- Sonic Pocket Adventure
2) Racing- N/A
3) Fighting Vs- SNK vs Capcom- Match of the Millenium
4) Fighting Scrolling- N/A
5) RPG- Evolution: Eternal Dungeons
6) Shooter- N/A
7) Puzzle- Puyo Pop
8) Adventure- Dark Arms- Beast Buster 1999
9) Strategy- Faselei