steelxenon said:
Proprietary, eh? Ok then...
Don't take me wrong.
Pandora needs open and proprietary software/soft developers both. However, at a start point, the accent should be at a open source software. It is much more easier to adapt or develop software (or whole dev-environment) to specific platform, if it is open. But I'm not Pandora advocate, at least not official one.
I just want to warn about some dangerous circumstances. Unfortunately, we don't know yet how much of Flash content will be supported at Pandora, nor we know how Flash standard will change.
Also, there were many "troyan horse" atempts in recent history. And Pandora is possible pain in the *ss for many in multimillion business. If e.g. Adobe Corporation decide to force upon its
very own commercial standards at Pandora hardware, they could instantly "turn off" whole project - just because they can. And it will not be the first time it happened.
They failed with PostScript (against GhostScript), now they try with ActionScript. Just to remember: right after they took over Macromedia (and Flash), they "killed" FreeHand (as a competitor to Illustrator) and then struggled it's own(!) support to SVG. So that they try to "kill" great open source
Inkscape, which is direct competitor to Illustrator, but also to - Flash!
This becomes OT, I'll make a new topic about it.
Here's another one! I think this one might actually be better:
PushButton Engine
Open source, modular, etc... doesn't seem to be done yet but I think basic functionality is working so far...
Sounds great! This is definitely candidate for a leader at it's own category. Thank you for sharing us those "diggs". Web is just too wide & fast to find everything! Btw,
very nice blog!
I think the engine itself will remain open but there's going to be professionally developed "components" that they're going to be selling to recoup costs.
IMHO, this is a great "hybrid" example
how it should work: give to "homebrew" community power to be included and even spread your idea (for free), but sell professional add-on so that you can get back "measurable satisfaction", and so that commercial/lazy/whatever developers get what they need.
By the way, that last one doesn't really matter if it's proprietary, as you don't need to install any of it or include any of it on your system, it's only used in development and in the code behind the game when you play it.
Well... this deserves topic for its own (as I said before); however, I'll say: THUMBS UP FOR
PushButton Engine!