Release Bermuda Syndrome

Great. Thanks for the update. All works nice so far.

There is an issue about the game crashing sometimes when loading a game, but that's rather rare and it's probably an issue of the game-reimplementation itself. So it would need quite some working into the code, i guess. I - for myself - can live with the crashing, i guess.

from /tmp/pndrun_BermudaSyndrome-0.1.4.out:

*** glibc detected *** ./bs: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x00163588 ***

/usr/pandora/scripts/ line 519:  3538 Aborted         		"./$EXENAME" $ARGUMENTS
Never experienced a crash....and honestly don't know how to solve this.

If someone have idea how to solve let me know.
Maybe this was caused by the fact that i was running the cdevtools-environment in a terminal while running the game. I would be surprised, but it's beyond my knowledge if that is even possible.

Edit: Just to clear it out: I was NOT running BS from the cdevtools-environment. The terminal was just open and i started BS from a second, normal terminal through "pnd_run".

I made a little loading-test without cdevtools running and it didn't crash so far. If it happens again, then I will report it.
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There we go. Crash, but not when loading. I was right of the screen where you

have to put a stone on the platform, then jump into the water and cut the balloon-plant. I did that, then went back to the right screen. and tried walking further right into the water.

Tried that twice and it crashed more or less at the same position (not exactly)

bs: opcodes.cpp:65: bool Game::testExpr(int16): Assertion `cmp1 <= cmp2' failed.

/usr/pandora/scripts/ line 519:  2029 Aborted             	"./$EXENAME" $ARGUMENTS
Maybe you could try to debug the prog changing this line in main.cpp




p.s. i never reached the point you described in the game.....

Thanks Farox for this new port, seems to be a nice game :)

Saving / loading doesn't work for me though, when I press START or SELECT nothing happens...

What am I doing wrong ?

Bye, Magic Sam

Thanks Farox for this new port, seems to be a nice game :)

Saving / loading doesn't work for me though, when I press START or SELECT nothing happens...

What am I doing wrong ?

Bye, Magic Sam
Sorry i forgot to update the first post. Done now :rolleyes:

Load and Save button has changed (with the help from Lomaxx ) to Save = " (press FN and s), and Load = l (is the lower elle) on keyboard.

Have you exeperienced any crash during play ?
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I haven't tried this yet - but I just remembered another game I've always wanted to play, it's also similar to the Flashback/Another World style. It's called OnEscapee, and I got the Amiga version off a friend at Uni, but never played it cause around the same time I got my first PC and discovered GTA. I'm just hoping that when Streak releases his A1200 emulator it's going to run on that! There was also a PC version, it was released free a few years ago. I just searched for it to see if I could find system requirements for it (if it would run in Dosbox on the Pandora) but I think it's probably windows only. Anyway, just thought I'd post this little message here in case someone esle who likes this style of game want's to look into it. Let me know if you find anything.
Hm, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it doesn't work for me:

from /tmp/pndrun_BermudaSyndrome-0.1.4.out:

[ START ]--- Starting the application (scripts/ ) ----------

ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:975:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to create IPC semaphore

ERROR: SystemStub_SDL::startAudio() Unable to open sound device!

[ FAILED]--- Starting the application (scripts/ ) ----------

I tried both versions of the .pnd as well as two slightly different game packages without success so far. I'm using HF6 - perhaps this is causing trouble?
to Save = S (press FN and s), and ...

To be precise: fn+s is not the capitalized "s" (S) but DoubleQuotes ("). ;)


Can't be HF6 as i am using that as well. Sound works in other applications before/after running the BS-pnd?

Anything helpful in the "dmesg"-output?
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to Save = S (press FN and s), and ...

To be precise: fn+s is not the capitalized "s" (S) but DoubleQuotes ("). ;)


Can't be HF6 as i am using that as well. Sound works in other applications before/after running the BS-pnd?

Anything helpful in the "dmesg"-output?
Now corrected

Thanks a lot for your reports and please continue if you catch more of it... ;)
I just finished the game, so there are no major technical issues that keep someone from completing it. Well' some riddles and ingame-scriptings are not that well made from the gameplay point of view - just as most dialogues are. But at least they are good enough to make me play trough it for the third time. ;)

After the above mentioned parts I didn't have any further crashes today. Maybe the crashes aren't related to these progress-positions anyway, but something else that just showed up at that time.
Can't be HF6 as i am using that as well. Sound works in other applications before/after running the BS-pnd?

Anything helpful in the "dmesg"-output?

No problem with sound in other applications before or after.

The only dmesg message I found is this:

aufs test:add:243:mount[5507]: uid/gid/perm /mnt/pnd/BermudaSyndrome-0.1.4 1000/1001/0755, 0/0/0777
hmm. This is unknown territory for me, but i will try to help anyway.

My dmesg-output shows the same line when i mount the BS-pnd. So nothing unusual there:

aufs test_add:243:mount[1446]: uid/gid/perm /mnt/pnd/BermudaSyndrome-0.1.4 1000/1001/0755, 0/0/0777

Touching my way through a dark region, I try to get any information i can. What's the output of:

echo $UID

echo $GROUPS

Did you make any modifications to .asoundrc?

I searched the net for "alsa" and "unable to create IPC semaphore" and found this page. I'm not sure if this is related to your proplem at all, but the command "ipcs" is mentioned. That command is totally new to me as well, so I am not yet aware about what is all about. I will read the man-page later. For now here is the output for my system (though it might be a little different to yours anyway):

ipcs -a

------ Shared Memory Segments --------

key    	shmid  	owner  	perms  	bytes  	nattch 	status    

0x00000000 0      	lomaxx 	600    	393216 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 32769  	lomaxx 	600    	196608 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 65538  	lomaxx 	600    	196608 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 98307  	lomaxx 	600    	393216 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 131076 	lomaxx 	600    	393216 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 163845 	lomaxx 	600    	393216 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 196614 	lomaxx 	600    	393216 	2      	dest        

------ Semaphore Arrays --------

key    	semid  	owner  	perms  	nsems    

------ Message Queues --------

key    	msqid  	owner  	perms  	used-bytes   messages

Did you install anything from opkg(angstrom)-repository? Like updating the alsa-libraries or similar?
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Lomaxx, thanks for your help!

Here is what I found so far:

echo $UID


echo $GROUPS


.asoundrc is unchanged:

-rw-r--r-- 1 tom tom 599 2010-08-15 01:36 .asoundrc

The page you've found seems to point in the right direction, I have got also a few shared memory segments owned by root. I will investigate this further.

ipcs -a

------ Shared Memory Segments --------

key    	shmid  	owner  	perms  	bytes  	nattch 	status      

0x4e545030 0      	root   	644    	80 		1                      

0x4e545031 32769  	root   	644    	80 		1                      

0x4e545032 65538  	root   	644    	80 		1                      

0x4e545033 98307  	root   	644    	80 		1                      

0x00000000 196614 	tom    	600    	393216 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 229383 	tom    	600    	393216 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 262152 	tom    	600    	196608 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 294921 	tom    	600    	393216 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 327690 	tom    	600    	196608 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 360459 	tom    	600    	393216 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 393228 	tom    	600    	196608 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 425997 	tom    	600    	393216 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 458766 	tom    	600    	393216 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 491535 	tom    	600    	196608 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 557072 	tom    	600    	196608 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 589841 	tom    	600    	393216 	2      	dest        

0x00000000 2228242	tom    	600    	196608 	2      	dest        

------ Semaphore Arrays --------

key    	semid  	owner  	perms  	nsems    

------ Message Queues --------

key    	msqid  	owner  	perms  	used-bytes   messages

I did indeed install something from the angstrom repository, unfortunately I can't exactly remember what.

Here are my alsa related packages:

opkg list-installed | grep alsa

alsa-conf-base - 1.0.20-r3.5

alsa-state - 0.2.0-r16.5

alsa-states - 0.2.0-r16.5

alsa-utils - 1.0.20-r1.5

alsa-utils-alsactl - 1.0.20-r1.5

alsa-utils-alsamixer - 1.0.20-r1.5

alsa-utils-aplay - 1.0.20-r1.5

gst-plugin-alsa - 0.10.28-r8.1.5

gst-plugin-alsaspdif - 0.10.6-r2.1

libclalsadrv1 - 1.2.2-r0.5

task-base-alsa - 1.0-r89.5

I changed my systems language to German; this caused trouble already for some other program (can't right now remember which one):


export LANG="de_DE"
I've got the same alsa-package-versions installed.

I redirected the output of "opkg list-installed" into a file and attached that. Maybe it helps you to do the same and compare the two file with "diff" or "vimdiff". Use "vimdiff" only when you know vi/vim as it's absolutely not intuitive to use. If you try anyway and don't know how to quit vim: try pressing ESC, then type the following characters and press enter:


Please note that there most likely are some packages in my list that aren't the original versions from the rootfs as well. But if you only revert packages that are newer than those in my list and ignore possible packages that are older in your list compared to mine or don't exist at all, then you should be fine (no warranty ;) ). At least it's worth taking a look. I just don't know how to fall back to older packaged with opkg, to be honest.

Another thought that came to my mind was, if you changed something with the kernel/modules.



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First success: when running with

sudo ...

the game starts! :lol:

Apparently the shared memory owned by root is the problem. I tried to remove it with ipcrm, but with no success so far. It looks like the same segments are assigned to root each time the system is booted. I'm experimenting further.

P.S.: Lomaxx, thanks for the introduction to vim - I'm a hardcode vim user, too. It's good to see the one and only true text editor is used by others, too... ;)