Beats Of Rage


Aug 14, 2004
I've look for this and cant see it anywhere. Playing BOR I notice it has the top pixel line placed at the bottom of the screen. Is this a known bug? I'm pretty sure I haven't got a BLU+
tekt5 posted on May 25 2005 at 10:04 PM said:
BLU+? ;)

run DrMD to be sure

The firmwire says:
FW Version :1.6.6 (2003.5.21)

I've had no bad effects on any other game that I've noticed yet.

I've used DrMD to run Dino Dini's soccer. Some of the letter spaces were replaced by blocks but I figured that was cause the game was a WIP. It ran like that on the Samsung setting. On the Twainese setting the picture split in two and the colours were pale.

Which AFAIK, tends to indicate its not a BLU+.

Could it be a falut in the actual BOR file I have, or is my gp32 a BLU mutant? :huh:
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Mr_Munk posted on May 25 2005 at 10:21 PM said:
:) Watch yer bassbins I'm tellin' yer

Hardcore, Mr_Munk knows the score! ;) B)
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Try the non Blu+ version of osnes9x 0.3 just to be sure.

You`ll get a thick grey bar across the screen if you have a Blu+ and nothing across the screen if it is indeed a Blu.

trooper posted on May 25 2005 at 11:05 PM said:
Try the non Blu+ version of osnes9x 0.3 just to be sure.

You`ll get a thick grey bar across the screen if you have a Blu+ and nothing across the screen if it is indeed a Blu.


I've just tried the non-BLU+ version with sensible soccer and I got no thick grey line. All I can think of is to try downloading and reinstalling BOR again, but thats probably not worth it atm :unsure:
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tekt5 posted on May 26 2005 at 03:39 PM said:
is it really that big of a deal?

I wanted to know if my gp32 had a hardware problem and also make certain whether I needed to use BLU games or BLU+ games, so yeah that was a big deal :P

Now I know my gp32 is not faulty and I can use any games with it so:

GP40 posted on May 26 2005 at 01:13 PM said:
.....not worth it atm :unsure:

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OK, this is is abit freaky :huh:

I've only got sensible soccer to test osnes so I didnt find out how to get the emus menu up. Now I have got to it up, the screen does show a thick multi coloured line (majority is blue) at the screen top, which goes not appear in-game or at emu startup.

So I downloaded the BLU+ version of osnes. That auto detects that my gp32 is a BLU+, but I get the same picture problems as when I run DrMD on BLU+ settings; that is bottom half of the screen is above the top half and the picture has an interlaced vertical lines look going down the screen :huh:

The big problem is, I tried to change osnes+ to old screen setting and it wouldnt let me :(

Surely my gp32 cant be unique? If most games & emus released in the future use ' BLU+ auto-detected' I wont be able to play them :( :(

I brought it from Lik-Sang, so I really dont want to send it back unless I have to, esp how they are out of stock atm.
I've managed to change it to a non-BLU+ config now :D (aint got a clue why I couldn't do it last time [prob user error :rolleyes: ]

It still auto detects and fubars up the screen while the intro is on (cos the config loads in after the intro prob?). I'm sure there will be at least a batch of BLUs that have this difference and that people haven't played problem games to spot it yet.

When I ordered something through gbax they told me that the BLU+ uses a different psu to the BLU. Is that because the pin/shield +&- have been swopped maybe? Mine is minus pin & plus shield (which is the opposite of my gba's psu).

Its a shame Lik-Sang has stopped selling them :(

I found this article from 03 that mentions LS talking about GP negatively previously
When I ordered something through gbax they told me that the BLU+ uses a different psu to the BLU. Is that because the pin/shield +&- have been swopped maybe? Mine is minus pin & plus shield (which is the opposite of my gba's psu).

All GP32`s (Blu, Blu+, Flu and Nlu) are all the same powerwise, They are all centre negative, The opposite to the gba and many other consumer electronic products.

Well 'not compatable' is what gbax told me :huh:

If it can work on my old BLU then they have lost a psu sale atm, at least until I want to but anything else off them (postage ya see).

Their site psu description says "Works with new GP32BLU
(Units from December 2004 onwards)"
GP40 posted on May 31 2005 at 06:05 PM said:
Well 'not compatable' is what gbax told me :huh:

If it can work on my old BLU then they have lost a psu sale atm, at least until I want to but anything else off them (postage ya see).

Their site psu description says "Works with new GP32BLU
(Units from December 2004 onwards)"

Just fixed my shoulder buttons and they fell miles better :D

Anyhoo, I saw that the LCD driver chip was a samsung one so its gotta be a normal BLU. Just hope that no closed source stuff does an auto detect and gives no smanual switch option :(
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