Be careful when using Android.

This is precisely why I do not fool around with alternate OS's on Pandy.

If I was gonna fool with Android, or any other OS, I'd dedicate a card to just that OS, so that none of my regular stuff would get fouled up.
I've been using Android since it came to be on the Pandora and never had this issue.. This corruption would most likely have happened with any OS.

Although that said, I do have dedicated SD cards for Android.
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A backup of the SD-Cards always comes in handy as well... ^^

(even if all my alternative OSs have dedicated SD-Cards)

If one of the cards gets corrupted, I can reroll to the last "backup-state" a month ago...

(I am storing those images onto a external USB-Harddisk from time to time)
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I had installed Android a while ago but never really used it often. I recently started using it to install more apps on it from my phone, and to Bluestacks from my pandora. While I was using Android yesterday, it started saying that an error occurred and mentioned something about read-only memory. I put it in my computer and that's when I found out that it was corrupted.
Sounds fairly conclusive, looks like the dedicated SD card &/ the occasional backups route is the one to take.
Ah, I thought he was suggesting the slot itself had gone bad (ie: physically damaged), which is pretty unlikely (and requiring serious evidence.) If he just means card corruption..

.. well, that could well happen I dunno (not using Android on pandora), but it has been reported. Its not outside of the realm of possible, since its pretty easy to cause card corruption in a number of scenarios on any device, especially depending on the filesystem in use and how the OS is mounting/unmounting etc.

At least, easily fixed.. reformat should likely take care of it :)
You're right, it's just the card that's corrupted. I can't reformat it; or so it seems on Windows.
*shrugs*  I tend to doubt it was anything to do with Android specifically...   I've seen lots of reports of SD card file system or data corruption in Zaxxon too. (I even experienced a case, where the fs was clearly broken, but fsck couldn't see it and I had to run chkdsk on a windows box) 

Other than the OS, what makes this any different to any other case of SD card data corruption?

- Neelix
Yes, I found out the hard way that it is true: My left slot SD card in my pandora became corrupted today. I started using Android on it a few weeks ago. 
Let me guess, you're using FAT, the filesystem that just won't roll over and die?  (but, FAT filesystems do die and get corrupted on a regular basis).  I don't think Android can be held responsible for this.  Did you power down in a hurry with PND+powerswitch, or pop the battery at all?  Sudden loss of power can harm a FAT filesystem.

May I suggest ntfs or ext4?
This is precisely why I do not fool around with alternate OS's on Pandy.

If I was gonna fool with Android, or any other OS, I'd dedicate a card to just that OS, so that none of my regular stuff would get fouled up.
Even better, make a  BACKUP  or two of your stuff, especially the personal data!  There is this tool called rsync...  and this rsync GUI ported by mcobit has 5 stars, so I'm guessing it's good.  I use git for my data: it keeps history, merges changes, handles moving files neatly, and has strong compression.  Not so good for large binaries like PNDs, so use rsync for those or just download them again.

I would be surprised if Android is not as stable and reliable as our Pandora Angstrom OS...  but I don't really know.
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