Battlejewels Wiz Alpha 001


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Not 'news' since I wouldn't call this a tested piece; it might just not work at all, but I'd like to know, so please give it a whirl and let me know :)

Fetch it:

I didn't have time to pick and choose the features to build in and finalize it and so on, but it should work very well (I think), and be more or less a mirror image of the one on the gp2x (with a few small fixes and enhancements.) It offers a more Bejewelled-like puzzle mode if you dont' want the head to head combat part, for instance.

Touchscreen should work (make sure you're calibrated!)

Just unzip into a directory somewhere, and should be good to fire up from the launcher.

Use Start to bring up the in-game menu. You can tap on stuff, or hit various keys to get help or cast spells or get spell descriptions, etc.

This is the 'demo' build, meaning it has a level cap and such; I'll probably turn off that to make it a full version; it is tempting to sell the full version for $3 or something, but I'm undecided. I rather like giving things away for free, as you all know .. been doing it for years. I've got a pile of enhancements to add to BJ, but time has been tight .. I always intended to charge for those,if I charge at all.. but whatever. Too tired out right now to rebuild it, and this is a alpjha test anyway, so fire it up :)

Let me know any issues you see! Let me know what you think, if you've never played it before, etc.. feedback drives us devs onwards!

Cheers, Jeff!

Thanks for the conversion. The game plays very well. The only issue I noticed so far is, that the sound/music is a little bit low and it can't be adjusted with the volume keys.

sbock posted on May 27 2009 at 07:22 PM said:
Cheers, Jeff!

Thanks for the conversion. The game plays very well. The only issue I noticed so far is, that the sound/music is a little bit low and it can't be adjusted with the volume keys.


gonna test again to be sure in a bit but my volume adjusted fine. i know this because its a bit loud on startup and i wanted to turn it down a little ;)
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Just found out they didn't include it in the firmware due to it not auto-returning to the launcher. (They evidently forgot to use a script to run it, and have the apps go to launcher direct. I prefer a script so if the app crashes, the launcher still comes up.. and the user can decide to use a different launcher if he wants, etc.)

Damn :(

Maybe I can get it into firmware updates. That would be way awesome :)


i downloaded battlejewels a few days ago and absolutely love this game!!!
my problem is, i can't get past level 2. after i've won a few battles it says i got level up, i get new skillpoints and spells but i'm still stuck at level 2.
is this part of the levelcap mentionend above or am i doing something wrong?

another question is for "tome of craft". i collected a few in chests during battles but i don't know how to use them. the description says "level 2 for inventory" but when i open my inventory in battle and try to use them i'm told to maybe equip it. well i tried to, but it won't fit in any slot.
again, what am i doing wrong?

thanks for any help and sorry for my bad english.