Battery sometimes doesn't charge


Oct 2, 2008
I need to make more test but I think I found a buggy behavior between wifi and battery charging. This happened to me several times, not everytime, and only once since I installed HF4. I don't know what exactly triggers it, but I suspect it's something about wifi driver and this is what I know:

Suppose I'm working with the pandora plugged to current and then I unplug it. Later (seconds later or 1 hour later) I plug it again but the red light wont turn on, I check "$ cat /sys/class/power_supply/bq27500-0/status" and it says it's discharging. I can plug and unplug it several times and the only thing that changes is that "$ cat /sys/class/power_supply/bq27500-0/current_now" says current consumption is 200mA less (+200000) when the charger is plugged, but the overall is still negative and discharging. So the charger gives some current but not enough it seems and red light remains also off.

So I discovered that if I unplug it, disable wifi (right click on network manager applet) and plug the charger again the red light turns on. And if I check current_now immediately it shows that it's like -500mA, couple of secons later is like -200, four seconds later is like -9 mA and another couple of seconds later is like 500mA and charging. Then I can enable wifi again and use it normally. I'm waiting for it to happen again to confirm it always works.

Before I knew the wifi trick what I did was to enter powersave mode, plug it and then the red light would turn on. But if I return from powersave the red light would turn off and the unit would say it wasn't charging. The solution was to shutdown, but it didn't always help. And sometimes it seemed was going to charge, but the red light would turn off several minutes later. I was kinda lost on this respect.

And one more thing. Before HF4 the wifi light only was on the first time wifi was enabled. Now it seems it's on every time I disable and enable wifi on the same session.

So that's about it. Red light seems pretty consistent the last two days. :)

PS Maybe it would to be a good idea to reflash, since before applying HF4 I did upgrade the system several times using opkg, but it works nicely in general. I'm not gonna upgrade more though after reading your comments. :D
joseluisjazz said:
I need to make more test but I think I found a buggy behavior between wifi and battery charging.
I think it would help to post this as a thread in 'I need help', then it is easier to keep track of it, since it is presumably not HF4 related. The tricky part is working out how the not-charging behaviour can be replicated. Can you also check the battery temp (so it is clear if the sensor is connected). Taking a couple of sec to go from discharge to charge is probably OK (it makes it easier on other bits of circuitry)
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tsh said:
joseluisjazz said:
I need to make more test but I think I found a buggy behavior between wifi and battery charging.
I think it would help to post this as a thread in 'I need help', then it is easier to keep track of it, since it is presumably not HF4 related. The tricky part is working out how the not-charging behaviour can be replicated.
You're right but since I can't replicate it on will and now it doesn't happen so frequently I doubted whether it deserved its own thread. If a Mod thinks it's a good idea too (ed? mali?) then he has my blessings to do it.

Can you also check the battery temp (so it is clear if the sensor is connected). Taking a couple of sec to go from discharge to charge is probably OK (it makes it easier on other bits of circuitry)
Good idea. I also intend to make a script to monitor all battery parameters to a logfile. But first I have other proyects.
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Check the temp readout if you happen to come across this behaviour again. Sounds very close to what happens when the PMIC thinks the battery is too hot...
I'll check it.

BTW the highest temperature I've seen reported by the battery sensor is 496 when charging + wifi on + compiling. Now it's between 325-342 (readings doesn't appear very consistant to me, they seem to vary between 3 and 10 decimals each second)

EDIT: And I just saw that plugging the charger automatically rises temp by 4.0 Cº. Three minutes later it has rised 2 Cº more. Ten minutes more later it has rised between 1.0 and 1.5 Cº.

I definitely want to do that logging script to have some nice statistics. These days I'm gonna be on vacation and I'll bring the pandora with me. Maybe in the plane I can code something :D

EDIT: false friends
joseluisjazz said:
BTW the highest temperature I've seen reported by the battery sensor is 496 when charging + wifi on + compiling.
:o ... Mine cut charge somewhere between 45C and 50C (450-500), dont remember. Anyways the cutoff value used by the hardware (PMIC,tps65950) (that nobody (propably) has touched, so its at reset default) is a preset raw value that IIRC should be about 60C (throwing stuff really out of my hat...), but I think it really corresponds to a lower value.
I'm also seeing the weird direct response of the temperature readout to the charge current, it shouldnt be that fast.
Anyways mine charges at about 42C or less, but i dont use wifi, so that might affect stuff... Also the calibration might be differently off in different units.
(I got it to cut charge by testing how fast i could charge the unit, wont put the instructions anywhere though its quite simple when you know your stuff.)
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joseluisjazz said:
You're right but since I can't replicate it on will and now it doesn't happen so frequently I doubted whether it deserved its own thread. If a Mod thinks it's a good idea too (ed? mali?) then he has my blessings to do it.
The real reason is it is easier if someone else comes along, and finds they have the same problem - then we can fix it together.
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This is an interesting topic. I should add a few clarifications about temp so that everyone understands where to look:

First, the BQ27500 temp is not connected to the battery. I worked with a TI engineer on the setup for this chip and he told me that temp sensing for accurate gauging is not critical unless the temp actually gets COLD. The temperature reading you get from the 27500 driver is from the internal sensor on the die and senses the ambient temp above the chip basically. In that regard, you will get a general sense of the temp the Pandora unit is sitting in so if it is Canada in January, it will know it once the whole unit starts to get cold.

There is a fundamental problem with the BQ27500 that I also discussed with that TI engineer that just can't be changed in my testing. The internal ADC is not using the ground reference properly and I even tried their newest firmware which is supposed to allow internal changes to the reference. Basically, when there is no current flow, the internal temp sensing is accurate to what the real ambient temperature is. While charging, the positive current causes an offset that makes the temp reading higher than real. While discharging, the negative current causes an offset that lowers the temp below the real value. I bought EVM's for this chip from TI and it did the same thing on them so no it wasn't a layout problem and flashing different firmware to the chip on the EVM and on multiple Pandora boards all did the same thing. TI had no solution for me to this problem but again, since the ambient temp reading doesn't affect gauging at warm temperatures, it is a minor annoyance.

The temp sensor in the battery pack is connected to the TPS65950 which is more critical since that is the chip controlling charging and it must get an accurate reading. One of the problems people have found is that a slight misalignment of the battery pack over the battery terminals can disconnect the thermistor connection and the PMIC will not charge properly. For example, it will not allow charging over 4V which is about 80%. Other strange conditions can occur without that thermistor connection too like misinterpreting whether a battery is connected since thermistor detection is part of the charger state machine.

I must admit that I haven't checked the reading of temp from the 65950 for a long, long time and the last time I did it was putting out all kinds of unreadable numbers. I don't know if Notaz has formatted it better now and if it spits out a real temp. I'll have to do some searching today and try some commands in the terminal. I believe the whole charging driver has a giant 'experimental' tag across it still and some smart folks in this thread might be able to come up with some software changes to make it more stable. Disabling the wifi is a strange one but as I mentioned in some topic a little while ago, I get a similar strangeness when I have a big load in the USB host port and then try to plug in the charger. It won't start charging so I have to remove the load, plug in the charger and then plug the USB load back in after charging starts. I'm hoping there is some setting somewhere that needs a more liberal setting to allow charging while the system running with more current. Maybe there is some default value that says 'don't start charging if xxx mA is already in use because of in-rush current' or something.
So it seems I have been pointing people at the wrong files to read. The BQ27500 is calculating 'time to run', but not handling the charging. The charge controler has similar data, you can keep a record like this:
grep . /sys/class/power_supply/twl4030_bci_battery/* >> battery.log

This also has a 'temp', which reads 35 on my unit whilst charging from USB (40 when not charging). Not sure if all of the numbers make sense, but it would be good to capture these when people have a problem. Temperature is only a guess, since that might be badly connected yet not prevent the pandora from working.
The TWL4030/TPS65950 charger driver doesn't do much - it only enables automatic charging mode and sets allowed charge current. All remaining code is for monitoring - it waits for some events like charger being plugged, and exports stuff you can read through /sys/class/power_supply/twl4030_bci_battery/ . It's temperature code is weird, it reads supply current value, some temp register, runs all this through some formula and lookup table. I guess it's all wrong for our chip, but that should not have any effect on charging itself, which sits in automatic mode.
Hi, this has happened again But this time I had the logging script prepared so here are the relevant and non-relevant statistics.

Time log expanation:

19:21:04 Bluetooth is on. Unit is charging. I unplug the chord and plug it again. I realize it's not charging. I start the stat logger script.
19:21:18 Unplug the chord
19:21:25 Plug the chord again
19:21:42 Unplug it again
19:21:52 Plug and disable bluetooth
19:22:28 Unplug
19:22:38 Plug
19:22:49 Unplug and disable wifi from the menu (was disabled from nm-applet right click)
19:23:00 Plug
19:23:19 Unplug
19:23:25 Enter suspended state.
19:23:37 Come back from suspended state. I realize it's charging.
19:22:56 Unplug.
19:22:56 Plug. It works OK now or at least it seems. Write post
20:10:15 End writing post. Still works :)

PS. I notice that speed is set to 500 after coming back from suspended state.

Time log:
$ ~/scripts/
2010-08-14 19:21:04,1,56,0,23760,25440,,347,-324000,3844000,830,12.2%,0.88,,90313.41,81467.73,
2010-08-14 19:21:05,1,56,0,23760,22920,,343,-323000,3836000,830,19.0%,0.88,,90314.62,81468.71,
2010-08-14 19:21:06,1,56,0,23520,20220,,339,-365000,3843000,830,21.0%,0.88,,90315.81,81469.65,
2010-08-14 19:21:07,1,56,0,23460,21240,,347,-348000,3843000,830,39.6%,0.86,,90317.01,81470.61,
2010-08-14 19:21:09,1,56,0,23460,22500,,347,-328000,3843000,830,20.0%,0.86,,90318.20,81471.57,
2010-08-14 19:21:10,1,56,0,23460,22920,,347,-306000,3842000,830,19.4%,0.86,,90319.39,81472.53,
2010-08-14 19:21:11,1,56,0,23280,18720,,340,-395000,3835000,830,19.3%,0.86,,90320.59,81473.49,
2010-08-14 19:21:12,1,56,0,23100,20280,,337,-364000,3839000,830,20.6%,0.85,,90321.78,81474.44,
2010-08-14 19:21:13,1,56,0,23100,22380,,347,-330000,3843000,830,18.6%,0.85,,90322.98,81475.40,
2010-08-14 19:21:15,1,56,0,23040,21240,,347,-348000,3843000,830,35.0%,0.85,,90324.17,81476.35,
2010-08-14 19:21:16,1,56,0,23100,22620,,347,-326000,3843000,830,20.1%,0.85,,90325.37,81477.31,
2010-08-14 19:21:17,1,56,0,22980,19380,,342,-381000,3836000,830,20.1%,0.83,,90326.55,81478.26,
2010-08-14 19:21:18,1,56,0,22200,14280,,331,-519000,3833000,830,20.1%,0.83,,90327.74,81479.21,
2010-08-14 19:21:19,1,56,0,21480,14340,,338,-516000,3834000,830,20.1%,0.83,,90328.94,81480.16,
2010-08-14 19:21:21,1,56,0,20820,14340,,338,-516000,3834000,830,20.0%,0.83,,90330.13,81481.11,
2010-08-14 19:21:22,1,56,0,20340,14400,,338,-514000,3833000,830,20.3%,0.82,,90331.32,81482.06,
2010-08-14 19:21:23,1,56,0,19560,15000,,338,-494000,3830000,830,20.8%,0.82,,90332.52,81483.00,
2010-08-14 19:21:24,1,56,0,19200,14880,,331,-497000,3829000,830,21.6%,0.82,,90333.71,81483.95,
2010-08-14 19:21:25,1,56,0,19380,21480,,346,-344000,3838000,830,20.8%,0.82,,90334.91,81484.89,
2010-08-14 19:21:27,1,56,0,19620,22140,,347,-333000,3842000,830,21.1%,0.80,,90336.10,81485.82,
2010-08-14 19:21:28,1,56,0,19740,22020,,346,-335000,3842000,830,22.5%,0.80,,90337.30,81486.76,
2010-08-14 19:21:29,1,56,0,20280,24060,,347,-307000,3837000,830,20.1%,0.80,,90338.48,81487.71,
2010-08-14 19:21:30,1,56,0,20460,21960,,342,-336000,3836000,830,23.5%,0.80,,90339.68,81488.62,
2010-08-14 19:21:31,1,56,0,20640,22020,,345,-335000,3842000,830,20.8%,0.80,,90340.87,81489.57,
2010-08-14 19:21:32,1,56,0,20700,22020,,346,-335000,3843000,830,20.3%,0.79,,90342.07,81490.51,
2010-08-14 19:21:34,1,56,0,20880,22020,,346,-335000,3843000,830,21.4%,0.79,,90343.26,81491.46,
2010-08-14 19:21:35,1,56,0,21300,23940,,347,-308000,3837000,830,21.0%,0.79,,90344.45,81492.39,
2010-08-14 19:21:36,1,56,0,21420,22320,,342,-331000,3836000,830,21.0%,0.79,,90345.65,81493.34,
2010-08-14 19:21:37,1,56,0,21480,22020,,341,-335000,3843000,830,21.4%,0.78,,90346.84,81494.28,
2010-08-14 19:21:38,1,56,0,21600,22020,,346,-335000,3842000,830,20.3%,0.78,,90348.04,81495.23,
2010-08-14 19:21:40,1,56,0,21660,22020,,346,-335000,3843000,830,21.4%,0.78,,90349.23,81496.17,
2010-08-14 19:21:41,1,56,0,21780,22500,,346,-314000,3840000,830,22.0%,0.78,,90350.42,81497.10,
2010-08-14 19:21:42,1,56,0,21660,17460,,340,-423000,3835000,830,21.0%,0.76,,90351.62,81498.04,
2010-08-14 19:21:43,1,56,0,21000,14100,,331,-523000,3833000,830,21.6%,0.76,,90352.81,81498.98,
2010-08-14 19:21:44,1,56,0,20400,14220,,338,-519000,3833000,830,20.1%,0.76,,90354.01,81499.92,
2010-08-14 19:21:46,1,56,0,19920,14160,,338,-521000,3833000,830,22.5%,0.76,,90355.21,81500.85,
2010-08-14 19:21:47,1,56,0,19440,14280,,338,-517000,3833000,830,21.0%,0.75,,90356.40,81501.80,
2010-08-14 19:21:48,1,56,0,18840,14760,,333,-502000,3827000,830,21.4%,0.75,,90357.59,81502.75,
2010-08-14 19:21:49,1,56,0,18540,14280,,330,-517000,3832000,830,20.3%,0.75,,90358.79,81503.69,
2010-08-14 19:21:50,1,55,0,18360,16080,,337,-459000,3833000,830,20.8%,0.75,,90359.98,81504.64,
2010-08-14 19:21:52,1,55,0,18600,21960,,346,-335000,3841000,830,21.0%,0.74,,90361.18,81505.58,
2010-08-14 19:21:53,1,55,0,18840,22080,,346,-334000,3841000,830,20.8%,0.74,,90362.38,81506.53,
2010-08-14 19:21:54,1,55,0,19440,23640,,345,-312000,3838000,830,21.0%,0.74,,90363.57,81507.47,
2010-08-14 19:21:55,1,55,0,19620,22200,,339,-332000,3838000,830,20.8%,0.74,,90364.77,81508.42,
2010-08-14 19:21:56,1,55,0,19860,21960,,346,-335000,3842000,830,20.8%,0.76,,90365.96,81509.36,
2010-08-14 19:21:58,1,55,0,19980,21960,,346,-335000,3842000,830,23.5%,0.76,,90367.16,81510.31,
2010-08-14 19:21:59,1,55,0,20100,20820,,346,-354000,3842000,830,21.6%,0.76,,90368.36,81511.25,
2010-08-14 19:22:00,1,55,0,20580,23400,,346,-315000,3838000,830,25.8%,0.76,,90369.55,81512.14,
2010-08-14 19:22:01,1,55,0,20520,19440,,336,-380000,3832000,830,60.0%,0.76,,90370.85,81512.67,
2010-08-14 19:22:02,1,55,0,20520,19320,,339,-382000,3834000,830,19.3%,0.76,,90372.05,81513.63,
2010-08-14 19:22:04,1,55,0,20700,22260,,346,-331000,3842000,830,28.3%,0.76,,90373.24,81514.49,
2010-08-14 19:22:05,1,55,0,20760,21300,,345,-346000,3842000,830,20.8%,0.76,,90374.45,81515.44,
2010-08-14 19:22:06,1,55,0,21120,22800,,341,-323000,3835000,830,20.8%,0.76,,90375.64,81516.39,
2010-08-14 19:22:07,1,55,0,21240,21960,,339,-335000,3841000,830,20.3%,0.75,,90376.83,81517.32,
2010-08-14 19:22:08,1,55,0,21180,19140,,346,-385000,3842000,830,90.0%,0.75,,90378.16,81517.46,
2010-08-14 19:22:10,1,55,0,20940,16920,,338,-436000,3835000,830,37.5%,0.75,,90379.42,81518.28,
2010-08-14 19:22:11,1,55,0,21120,22380,,342,-329000,3837000,830,29.7%,0.75,,90380.61,81519.14,
2010-08-14 19:22:12,1,55,0,21240,22260,,338,-331000,3839000,830,20.1%,0.74,,90381.81,81520.09,
2010-08-14 19:22:13,1,55,0,21360,22080,,345,-333000,3842000,830,57.8%,0.74,,90383.44,81520.77,
2010-08-14 19:22:15,1,55,0,21300,23400,,341,-315000,3835000,830,26.7%,0.74,,90384.70,81521.70,
2010-08-14 19:22:16,1,55,0,21480,23040,,340,-319000,3843000,830,20.6%,0.74,,90385.89,81522.65,
2010-08-14 19:22:17,1,55,0,21660,22920,,346,-321000,3842000,830,20.1%,0.78,,90387.09,81523.60,
2010-08-14 19:22:19,1,55,0,21780,23160,,346,-318000,3843000,830,20.8%,0.78,,90388.37,81524.56,
2010-08-14 19:22:20,1,55,0,22200,24960,,346,-295000,3837000,830,25.5%,0.78,,90389.57,81525.51,
2010-08-14 19:22:21,1,55,0,22260,22440,,340,-329000,3832000,830,20.1%,0.78,,90390.77,81526.46,
2010-08-14 19:22:22,1,55,0,22380,23100,,344,-318000,3843000,830,20.1%,0.76,,90391.96,81527.42,
2010-08-14 19:22:24,1,55,0,22440,23100,,346,-318000,3843000,830,20.1%,0.76,,90393.16,81528.37,
2010-08-14 19:22:25,1,55,0,22560,23220,,346,-317000,3842000,830,20.0%,0.76,,90394.35,81529.32,
2010-08-14 19:22:26,1,55,0,22860,25200,,346,-292000,3837000,830,21.6%,0.76,,90395.55,81530.27,
2010-08-14 19:22:27,1,55,0,22980,23400,,342,-315000,3836000,830,20.0%,0.75,,90396.74,81531.22,
2010-08-14 19:22:28,1,55,0,22200,14700,,333,-501000,3835000,830,21.0%,0.75,,90397.94,81532.17,
2010-08-14 19:22:30,1,55,0,21600,14640,,337,-503000,3833000,830,21.8%,0.75,,90399.14,81533.10,
2010-08-14 19:22:31,1,55,0,21000,14520,,337,-507000,3833000,830,20.8%,0.75,,90400.33,81534.05,
2010-08-14 19:22:32,1,55,0,20520,14880,,337,-478000,3830000,830,20.0%,0.74,,90401.52,81535.00,
2010-08-14 19:22:33,1,55,0,19680,14220,,333,-520000,3826000,830,40.3%,0.74,,90402.72,81535.95,
2010-08-14 19:22:34,1,55,0,19260,14640,,331,-503000,3833000,830,21.0%,0.74,,90403.91,81536.89,
2010-08-14 19:22:36,1,55,0,18900,14640,,337,-503000,3833000,830,20.6%,0.74,,90405.11,81537.85,
2010-08-14 19:22:37,1,55,0,18660,14700,,337,-502000,3833000,830,20.3%,0.72,,90406.30,81538.79,
2010-08-14 19:22:38,1,55,0,18840,21000,,342,-350000,3837000,830,20.0%,0.72,,90407.49,81539.75,
2010-08-14 19:22:39,1,55,0,19500,23700,,340,-311000,3835000,830,21.9%,0.72,,90408.73,81540.71,
2010-08-14 19:22:40,1,55,0,19680,22800,,339,-322000,3842000,830,21.0%,0.72,,90409.92,81541.65,
2010-08-14 19:22:42,1,55,0,19920,22200,,344,-331000,3838000,830,20.8%,0.75,,90411.12,81542.60,
2010-08-14 19:22:43,1,55,0,20160,23160,,345,-317000,3842000,830,20.0%,0.75,,90412.31,81543.56,
2010-08-14 19:22:44,1,55,0,20400,23400,,345,-314000,3841000,830,38.9%,0.75,,90413.51,81544.51,
2010-08-14 19:22:45,1,55,0,20820,23520,,340,-313000,3835000,830,22.1%,0.75,,90414.71,81545.46,
2010-08-14 19:22:47,1,55,0,20760,19200,,335,-383000,3838000,830,40.1%,0.73,,90416.38,81546.89,
2010-08-14 19:22:48,1,55,0,21240,23640,,345,-311000,3837000,830,19.4%,0.73,,90417.58,81547.84,
2010-08-14 19:22:49,1,55,0,20640,14520,,331,-509000,3826000,830,20.0%,0.73,,90418.78,81548.80,
2010-08-14 19:22:50,1,55,0,20100,14160,,332,-520000,3833000,830,40.0%,0.73,,90419.97,81549.67,
2010-08-14 19:22:52,1,55,0,19560,14100,,335,-524000,3827000,830,20.6%,0.75,,90421.16,81550.62,
2010-08-14 19:22:53,1,55,0,19200,14160,,336,-521000,3832000,830,28.2%,0.75,,90422.49,81551.57,
2010-08-14 19:22:54,1,55,0,18600,14520,,329,-507000,3826000,830,56.2%,0.75,,90424.37,81552.29,
2010-08-14 19:22:57,1,55,0,17700,13620,,326,-543000,3821000,830,46.7%,0.77,,90426.10,81553.54,
2010-08-14 19:22:58,1,55,0,17460,14640,,336,-502000,3832000,830,20.0%,0.77,,90427.30,81554.50,
2010-08-14 19:22:59,1,55,0,17340,14640,,336,-503000,3832000,830,20.1%,0.77,,90428.49,81555.45,
2010-08-14 19:23:00,1,55,0,17100,15000,,334,-491000,3827000,830,22.6%,0.77,,90429.69,81556.37,
2010-08-14 19:23:01,1,55,0,17280,19980,,333,-369000,3830000,830,21.4%,0.77,,90430.89,81557.32,
2010-08-14 19:23:02,1,55,0,17640,23160,,345,-317000,3841000,830,20.1%,0.76,,90432.08,81558.27,
2010-08-14 19:23:04,1,55,0,17940,23100,,345,-318000,3841000,830,20.1%,0.76,,90433.28,81559.22,
2010-08-14 19:23:05,1,55,0,18240,23040,,345,-319000,3841000,830,25.0%,0.76,,90434.48,81560.12,
2010-08-14 19:23:06,1,55,0,18900,24660,,344,-298000,3837000,830,20.8%,0.76,,90435.67,81561.07,
2010-08-14 19:23:07,1,55,0,19200,23100,,337,-318000,3837000,830,20.8%,0.75,,90436.87,81562.02,
2010-08-14 19:23:08,1,55,0,19440,23100,,344,-318000,3841000,830,21.0%,0.75,,90438.06,81562.96,
2010-08-14 19:23:10,1,55,0,19740,23160,,344,-317000,3841000,830,20.0%,0.75,,90439.26,81563.92,
2010-08-14 19:23:11,1,55,0,19920,23100,,344,-318000,3841000,830,20.1%,0.75,,90440.45,81564.87,
2010-08-14 19:23:12,1,55,0,20520,25080,,344,-293000,3836000,830,20.1%,0.74,,90441.65,81565.82,
2010-08-14 19:23:13,1,55,0,20760,23100,,338,-318000,3835000,830,20.6%,0.74,,90442.84,81566.78,
2010-08-14 19:23:14,1,55,0,20880,23160,,343,-317000,3841000,830,19.4%,0.74,,90444.04,81567.73,
2010-08-14 19:23:16,1,55,0,21120,23100,,344,-318000,3841000,830,20.8%,0.74,,90445.24,81568.68,
2010-08-14 19:23:17,1,55,0,21300,23160,,344,-317000,3841000,830,20.0%,0.72,,90446.43,81569.64,
2010-08-14 19:23:18,1,55,0,21420,19740,,344,-372000,3836000,830,20.1%,0.72,,90447.63,81570.59,
2010-08-14 19:23:19,1,55,0,20820,14580,,331,-506000,3825000,830,20.3%,0.72,,90448.81,81571.53,
2010-08-14 19:23:20,1,55,0,20340,14640,,331,-503000,3832000,830,21.4%,0.72,,90450.01,81572.48,
2010-08-14 19:23:22,1,55,0,19920,14640,,335,-502000,3832000,830,19.3%,0.73,,90451.20,81573.44,
2010-08-14 19:23:23,1,55,0,19500,14640,,335,-503000,3832000,830,20.1%,0.73,,90452.40,81574.39,
2010-08-14 19:23:24,1,55,0,19140,14880,,335,-478000,3829000,830,20.6%,0.73,,90453.59,81575.35,
2010-08-14 19:23:26,1,55,0,19440,24420,,390,707000,3891000,500,94.0%,0.85,,90465.23,81576.06,
2010-08-14 19:23:37,1,55,1,,,166140,390,670000,3892000,500,40.9%,0.84,,90466.54,81576.83,
2010-08-14 19:23:38,1,55,1,,,62520,378,526000,3880000,500,26.7%,0.84,,90467.82,81577.77,
2010-08-14 19:23:39,1,55,1,,,49440,378,510000,3885000,500,27.5%,0.84,,90469.10,81578.69,
2010-08-14 19:23:41,1,55,1,,,41520,382,510000,3885000,500,27.9%,0.84,,90470.39,81579.62,
2010-08-14 19:23:42,1,55,1,,,31800,382,534000,3882000,500,28.6%,0.82,,90471.67,81580.53,
2010-08-14 19:23:43,1,55,1,,,29340,378,514000,3881000,500,27.1%,0.82,,90472.95,81581.47,
2010-08-14 19:23:45,1,55,1,,,27180,382,511000,3886000,500,27.3%,0.82,,90474.24,81582.40,
2010-08-14 19:23:46,1,55,1,,,25380,382,510000,3886000,500,28.1%,0.82,,90475.52,81583.32,
2010-08-14 19:23:47,1,55,1,,,22620,379,528000,3882000,500,27.9%,0.81,,90476.80,81584.25,
2010-08-14 19:23:48,1,55,1,,,21660,378,510000,3885000,500,27.3%,0.81,,90478.09,81585.18,
2010-08-14 19:23:50,1,55,1,,,20820,383,510000,3887000,500,28.4%,0.81,,90479.38,81586.11,
2010-08-14 19:23:51,1,55,1,,,19680,383,535000,3884000,500,26.7%,0.81,,90480.66,81587.05,
2010-08-14 19:23:52,1,55,1,,,19140,379,515000,3883000,500,27.9%,0.80,,90481.95,81587.98,
2010-08-14 19:23:54,1,55,1,,,18660,382,511000,3887000,500,27.9%,0.80,,90483.23,81588.90,
2010-08-14 19:23:55,1,55,1,,,18300,383,510000,3887000,500,28.6%,0.80,,90484.52,81589.82,
2010-08-14 19:23:56,1,55,0,,15360,23700,332,-479000,3835000,500,28.3%,0.80,,90485.80,81590.74,
2010-08-14 19:23:57,1,55,0,,14820,28620,331,-497000,3837000,500,26.5%,0.78,,90487.08,81591.67,
2010-08-14 19:23:59,1,55,0,,14820,35580,336,-496000,3838000,500,27.9%,0.78,,90488.37,81592.60,
2010-08-14 19:24:00,1,55,0,,14940,67140,336,-477000,3835000,500,30.4%,0.78,,90489.65,81593.50,
2010-08-14 19:24:01,1,55,0,,15000,112680,332,-490000,3832000,500,27.9%,0.78,,90490.93,81594.42,
2010-08-14 19:24:03,1,55,0,,14820,332160,335,-496000,3836000,500,27.3%,0.77,,90492.22,81595.35,
2010-08-14 19:24:04,1,55,0,546420,15480,,336,-475000,3836000,500,27.9%,0.77,,90493.50,81596.28,
2010-08-14 19:24:05,1,55,1,,,191220,381,531000,3881000,500,27.3%,0.77,,90494.79,81597.21,
2010-08-14 19:24:06,1,55,1,,,97080,379,511000,3883000,500,28.6%,0.77,,90496.07,81598.14,
2010-08-14 19:24:08,1,55,1,,,66420,384,511000,3885000,500,25.9%,0.76,,90497.35,81599.07,
2010-08-14 19:24:09,1,55,1,,,51360,384,535000,3886000,500,28.4%,0.76,,90498.64,81600.00,
2010-08-14 19:24:10,1,55,1,,,36600,381,517000,3882000,500,29.1%,0.76,,90499.92,81600.91,
2010-08-14 19:24:12,1,55,1,,,32400,382,511000,3887000,500,27.3%,0.78,,90501.20,81601.84,
2010-08-14 19:24:13,1,55,1,,,29400,384,511000,3887000,500,27.3%,0.78,,90502.49,81602.77,
2010-08-14 19:24:14,1,55,1,,,25560,383,532000,3884000,500,27.9%,0.78,,90503.77,81603.70,
2010-08-14 19:24:15,1,55,1,,,24060,379,510000,3884000,500,27.3%,0.78,,90505.05,81604.63,
2010-08-14 19:24:17,1,55,1,,,22860,384,510000,3887000,500,27.9%,0.80,,90506.34,81605.56,
joseluisjazz said:
Hi, this has happened again But this time I had the logging script prepared so here are the relevant and non-relevant statistics.
PS. I notice that speed is set to 500 after coming back from suspended state.

Hmm. Looking at the log, it seems it switched to 500 when you ENTERED the suspended state - which is weird, it should go to 14MHz.
Have you changed anything with the script?

Also - might the charging bug be related to CPU Speed as well?
Does it happen when you're running at 500MHz?
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