put this in your battery, and it WILL last forever
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt5z8L4LBJE...feature=related (magnet engine which only needs to be initiated)
Why does these free energy things never get out on the market?
If you couldn't guess the answer, here it is: because they don't work! (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_of_energy )
you obviously know nothing about zero-point energy on the quantum level. :angry:
The reason why: Car manufacturers have contracts with engine manufacturers, who have contracts with oil distributes
It would put out the oil industry, as well as the electric plant industry or force the plants to move on to another method.
Also because it doesn't have too many people researching into it.
Logically it all makes sense when you know ALL the factors and how magnetism really works.