Battery For Pandora

So then it should be possible to just drop in an other battery without having to change anything. Possible benefits of other battery options are more battery-life or gaining some additional space in the case to put mods in.
Well it seems the new MacBook 17 inch uses Lithium Polymer in that bad boy as well to get upto 8 hours of battery life. Terrible decision to enclose it, but I think this may be Lithium Polymer batteries maturing more?

Too bad the design for the Pandora was intended for Lithium-ion. I'd like to see a mod available for this battery type.

Lighter+Greater Capacity for energy = Win
If someone points me to where to get a fitting Li-Polymer, I'd test it. I'd just solder some longer wires to it and put it somewhere, where it doesn't do harm, if it explodes(which it shouldn't, if the info given here is right) Some charge, discharge cycles while measuring its temperature compared to the original battery should give a correct real life result.
Tor said:
In short, we've got a good battery already (4000mAh lithium-ion), I see no point in going for something else..
Erm... QUOTE
FAQ What kind of battery will it have?

Pandora will have a 4000mAh Lithium Polymer battery.
I always thought it will be a Lithium Polymer battery!? Did I miss anything?
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Phawx said:
Well it seems the new MacBook 17 inch uses Lithium Polymer in that bad boy as well to get upto 8 hours of battery life. Terrible decision to enclose it, but I think this may be Lithium Polymer batteries maturing more?

Too bad the design for the Pandora was intended for Lithium-ion. I'd like to see a mod available for this battery type.

Lighter+Greater Capacity for energy = Win
I know I have explained this before but it was a while ago. The battery in Pandora is a polymer battery.
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As far as I understand there will be a fully new designed battery for the Pandora, right?

I would prefer using a design compatible to some wide spreaded consumer products battery like AFAIK the openmoko freerunner has got one compatible with a nokia one. I mean, if pandora development dies in mid 2009 (I don't hope so) e.g. because all the developers get snaped up by some big company to produce the next gen psp or ds... B) ... lio-battery-packs are known to have a limited lifespan. If pandoras battery pack is unique, where to get those in that case. Second: For wider spreaded consumer products there are more cheaper compatible battery packs available from independent retailers, anyway.
ricki said:
I always thought it will be a Lithium Polymer battery!? Did I miss anything?
My mistake there - however, my issue with the start of this thread was the strawman of describing polymer as different from (and superior to) ion as far as charging etc. is concerned - which it isn't, for all practical purposes.
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Tor, I quoted you, but this was just one example. No offence.
It seemed as if everybody in this thread was sure we would get a LiIon-Battery. I just wanted to check if the FAQ is still correct at this point.
No problem - I didn't take it that way :) - in any case it was good to get that faq question verified by MWeston :D Polymer it is.
MattJ100 said:

I'm scared :o

A lot of the issues with lipo batteries are due to improper charging or damage. Using the wrong charge settings or a completely wrong charger is a big one. And in the RC world, the batteries can easily end up physically damaged, mostly from crashes or thrown debris. As our Pandora will handle the charging itself, and the pack will be protected inside the case, those problems will be a non-issue for us.
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