Batch File/dos Help


UK GP32 & GP2X Owner
What I am trying to do is to compress a folder full of files into indivdual archives (one file per archvie).. My problem is that I cant find the syntax for doing one file at a time, I can do an group of files by date, wildcard etc but not 1 by 1..

Is it actually possible?
trooper posted on Aug 6 2005 at 05:06 AM said:


I have to agree, I used WinRAR to compress a very larger folder full of stuff into lots of small archives (one file per archive). It's very useful for compressing Genesis, Snes and Nes roms for use on the GP32.
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If you are doing it in a dos batch file, it might be prudent to get a copy of pkzip.exe and copy it to your windows system32 folder. You can then use pkzip in a batch file to do it.

If you need to know pkzips options, type pkzip /? into a command prompt!
Already have the 7zip commandline on my drive, is there any other freeware tool that can do this besides winrar?

edit: Nevermind.. I think I am sorted, just need to replace the DO part of loop to zip the archives..
FOR %c in (C:\windows\desktop\*.*) DO echo %c

Well it's crude but it works:
:: Zips all files from this directory into individual archives into the parent folder

:: For all files in the directory, zip them into a directory above.
ECHO Compressing files
FOR %%c in (*.*) DO "E:\7-zip\7z" a -tzip "../" "%%c" -mx=5

:: Rename the files from to .zip
:: Back up a folder
cd ..
ECHO Renaming files
REN *.zip *.
REN *.nes *.zip
del zip.bat
