Ballon & Balloon

This game even has english as an option.

I can't believe such a popular and professional game has been ported. I know it doesn't have sound, but neither does the genesis emulators.

I hope this goes commercial, just to be the best quality it can be.

Maybe multiplayer RF??? ;)

I hope he takes our praise and keeps working on it.

I'm possibly being a bit thick, but I go to the link on the main page and can't find where on the site to actually download from?
It is not a port. I am pretty sure it is emulator and this thing in directory is a rom. It behave like an arcade, it has settings like an arcade. I see no point someone make arcade settings available in port. For what reason? And this flash.rom :)
Regardin data error. There was some discussion about this on korean board (GPZigi) but cant help you more. It works for me. Just copy both fxe and directory with a flash.rom to gpmm

If there ever was a super bomberman arcade game, this would be it.

I feel it is great (especially 2 player mode, which hopefully we one day see _RF_)

as the play is a little different, like having to pop the water bubbles to kill enemies, and who can complain that the company that made it had someone port a wrapper (sudo emulator it seems) just for this one actual commercial arcade game.

I hope to see more like this, it rocks, cannot wait for sound!


P.S. Its funny, something this nice comes along and there are still people complaining (it's not bomberman, its not as fun) wow! I love it and its on my GP for FREE.
Great game ! :D

Quite unexpected on GP32... If only the man behind this could port others Eolith titles :)
nyam (The person who ported it) is planning to release a version of it that has sound soon. Then he'll release a port of Fortress2 Blue Arcade and later on, an Image Viewer.