Bad games that are actually good.

Martian Gothic -> Most underrated Survival Horror for PSX. Overall it has mixed rating in magazines , mainly low. I really dont understand why. The story is far superrior than any Resident Evil story [including RE I / II / III]. Mechanics are copied from RE so it cant be bad. Maybe people didnt like "The Thing"-paranoic-like feel in the game, which in my opinion was perfect..

Stratosphere on the PC was an unnoticed gem. It was and still is a very unique premise; you control a flying island which is basically like a galleon and you have to complete various missions usually involving fighting off various other floating island ships. The neat part was that you had to build new sections, generators, motors and weapons within the limit space on your fortress, all of which could be blown off if you weren't careful. In the end it didn't really fulfil its potential and was quite buggy, but I really enjoyed it anyway.

It was rushed to get out at same time than half-life, getting bad comments and review because of thoses bugs (that got fixed really soon after...) and was completely overshadowed by half-life. it's on of the most underatted game in my opinion, I just love it.

I freaking LOVE this game.

From the ability to develop cyber implants which make you jump higher and gain a mario-like stomp to the ability to hack anything in the universe including people.

I had wayyyy too much fun with this game.
I can't play most FPSs because they induce motion sickness on me (can't play Doom, Rise of the Triad, Unreal Tournament, Bioshock, etc. for longer than half an hour).

Only exceptions I could play forever without getting sick were Quake I, GoldenEye, Far Cry, CounterStrike and Unreal I&II.

Unreal II got pretty poor reviews but I enjoyed the game a lot and was surprised by the low ratings it received (I would've rated it 8.5/10).
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I freaking LOVE this game.From the ability to develop cyber implants which make you jump higher and gain a mario-like stomp to the ability to hack anything in the universe including people.I had wayyyy too much fun with this game.
... You only do that in games ?
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I freaking LOVE this game.

From the ability to develop cyber implants which make you jump higher and gain a mario-like stomp to the ability to hack anything in the universe including people.

I had wayyyy too much fun with this game.
I love how that game looked like MS-DOS era 3D CG running in real-time, I really need to get back to playing it.

Games generally hated I like... I know there's a long list of them:

  • Final Fantasy Mystic Quest: generally hated for being developed because Square at the time thought Final Fantasy proper was too "complicated" for western audience, a dumb story and an over simplified battle system, but if you play it as it's own, it's a pretty decent, honest and simple little RPG, I still argue it has some of the best music in the entire series.
  • Brink: If the game were to be released now, people would have been a little less hateful of the game, it was pretty fun at the time.
  • Knack: A lot of people had different expectations to what the game really is, comparing it to SM3DW, W101 and a few other games that had absolutely nothing do with it. The game itself is alright, fun challenge with a lot of variety, just stop expecting it to be a Mario or a Crash Bandicoot.
  • Grin's Bionic Commando: Hated for badly written story,  not being a sandbox game and boring shooting mechanics, if you go past its flaws (why would you expect a story from a blatantly all-action game?) and focus on the traversal and claw mechanics, there's a really fun, fast-paced game here. I genuinely was pretty upset the dev went under poor sales, a few low scoring games after this one without a proper and well deserving sequel.
  • Advance Wars Days of Ruin: Not exactly hated, but usually considered the weakest of an already underrated series. While most fans are attached to a lot of the colorful characters in the series, Days of Ruin had deeper game system from the entire series, where units would level up and COs would join the battle, giving out buffs to nearby units, soundtrack is great too.
I'm sure there's more, but I'll settle with these for now.
Lunar Knights: Mad underrated action RPG. Quite linear and people like to write off the game, but I really enjoyed it.

Coded Arms/Coded Arms 2: Contagion: Two of my favorite PSP games. These were games that made me yearn for a twin-nub PSP because I loved them so much. No complaints from me besides the lack of another nub to play 'em.

NFL 2k5: At first glance, you'd wonder why people hate this game. However, people who dislike sports games (quite a lot, actually) and Madden fans who are sick of hearing about it hate it, so it fits. Anyway, an excellent game that, despite being a 2004 release, is still quite far ahead of the Madden games.