B> System But Confused.


Still Fresh
Oct 6, 2010
Ok I just discovered the gp2x website and saw a lot of system but I am confused as to what is the newest one. I see pandora, canonoo, wiz, a320, f200, f100, etc.
I want to know which one is the newest and what is different between the f200 and the f100.
If someone can tell me that great and can it handle emulators as well?

Post whatever you have to offer. Also please post shipping. I live in Massachusetts, USA. Any offers would be great and also help. Thank you.
Gamepark Holdings gp2x comes in 2 basic models. f100 (no touchscreen, digital joystick and black). f200 (touchscreen, retarded dirpad and white). both are no longer made. Software support is pretty damn good with a lot of emulators and games available. It is probably the least powerful hardware wise but certain emulators run better on the f100/f200 than they do on newer devices due to optimization over the last few years.

Gamepark Holdings gp2x wiz is a different device which is smaller and slightly more powerfull has an oled touchscreen and dirpad. f100/f200 software is not natively compatible on the wiz but a wrapper of sorts has been made which will allow you to run a lot of f100/f200 software as well as its own library of stuff.

Gamepark Holdings caanoo is the newest of the bunch and is pretty much a larger version of the wiz with an analogue nub and touchscreen as well. Software from the f100/f200/wiz is not compatible with the caanoo at this time. The caanoo is still very new so software support is pretty weak at this time.

The Gemei A320 or dingoo A320 is a different device manufactured by a chinese company that was hacked by a few people and linux was installed on it. It doesnt have a touchscreen and is not compatible with any of the f100/f200/wiz/caanoo software. That said it does have a pretty decent library of software including emulators, media players and games.

There is a lot of software that has been compiled to run on more than one of these systems so you get a lot of overlapping stuff.

The pandora was developed by importers of the gamepark holdings devices and is a completely different beast. It is basically a mini linux computer with gaming controls. It is more expensive than the others and at the moment very hard to obtain due to manufacturing difficulties there are less than 1000 out there in the wild. Software support isnt bad considering the low number available and you can use a full linux desktop environment on it. The pandora is the most powerful of all.
Ah I see. So if I wanted it just for basically emulators and video can I go with caanooo? Or would I be better off with a wiz?
Well there is more software available for the wiz at the moment but that is bound to change soon. Also factor in the size and controls to make a decision.
Hm is it big as a gameboy micro or what? I want it to function well and offer the most in gaming variety. I want it to also include touchscreen games. Then videos and whatever else. I want a decent size. I don't care if it is big but I care if it is small
Hm I see. What is the price difference for these? And which one is better for emulators and gaming with video basically
Of the GPH machines (GP2X, Wiz, Caanoo) you'll be hard pressed to find anything but the Caanoo in stock. There is a US based store:


And play-asia is also good:


You might find a Wiz second hand though. As Iorgy said the Wiz has a stronger software library for now, simply because it has existed for longer. But the Caanoo will catch up. I think you're better off buying a new Caanoo for the warranty.
wiz $134.90 on backorder
white caanoo $149.90 in stock
black caanoo $149.90 in stock

I would say the wiz is better out of the two at the moment for emulators, but I think the caanoo will eventually catch up. For video they are the same but the caanoo has a slight edge due to the better screen although it is smaller. I dont like using the wiz for gaming for extended periods because I have medium to large hands that cramp up with the small dirpad.

edit: ninjawed by Gruso :)
Ok I know what I am buying then. I am closing this to make a new one. Even though I can't really close it.