Avi Screen Size


Oct 24, 2005
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I have finally after 5 attempts managed to convert my film into an avi file but.... the screen is really quite small. left all the settings in AutoGK as they were apart from the out put file size is put in 256 but the acutal file is 265. can you tell me:#

1. will the GP2x automatically resize the film to the screen size?

2. how can i change the screen size without making the file any bigger?

3. could i possibly make the file smaller? I would like to get it to about 128 so i can put about 8 films on my 1gb card but when i tried to convert to a file this small AutoGK didn't like it an had a fit half way throu and wouldn't do it.

Thanks in advance.

search around for gpcinema video encoding for the gp32 on these forums, theirs a whole forum section dedicated to it, I've reencoded quite a few films to 128MB version to watch myself and if you do it right the quality can be quite good.

And I'd suggest using something like virtualdub, it's what I use to reencode movies and is of very good quality but I will note that it has so many options that it maybe overwhelming for the first bit.
1. Yes, it will resize.
2 and 3. Don't use autogk :). I took a very quick look at it once and found it far too basic for my needs. Couldn't change half the settings I wanted to and I didn't really want to fiddle around with much in the first place. If you want to create a movie to the resolution, filesize, and quality you specify then autogk isn't for you. Oh, and the filesize will never be exactly what you specify, you just enter something to aim for. Often with programs you only specify the video size, and then the overall size is always larger because of the audio size.