Autorun Specific Mame Rom?


Still Fresh
Feb 19, 2011
I got the Wiz to open directly into Mame4All but I'd like to get it to launch directly into a specific game Rom (Donkey Kong)
does anybody know if that can be done, and if so how?

is there a way to make an executable from a Rom?

Thanks so much!
I'm in no way helpful about MAME but consider a shell script invoking the emulator with an rom-file option (if it does support so).

Would look alike (its pseudo only - never used MAME before):


# prepare

# goto MAME directory
cd /mnt/sd/<your_path_to_mame>
# .. and invoke the emulator
./<mame_emulator_binary_filename> $ROMFILE

# return to wiz launcher
cd /usr/gp2x

Do the necessary modifications and save this using a text editor with unix file capabilities (windows: notepad++ or geany for instance) and name it for instance donkeykong.gpe. You can run it via the file explorer now. If it does indeed work as expected start thinking to put it into an sd autorun script. Search forums how to create an sd with an autostart script. I can't tell for Wiz just for GP2x.