Attn Fenix Gurus: Tutorials Wanted


Still Fresh
Nov 25, 2005
Hi everyone. I just heard and read a little about Fenix and checked out the site - the tutorials seem scarce for newbies. So if you're a Fenix guru, this post is for you. I'm hoping for a "hello world" tutorial and other very basic tutorials showing the basis of a Fenix "program" or function. Once I've got that and the understanding of compliling/running Fenix code, I'll be set. Thanks in advance everyone and please try to keep the flaming to a minimum, no matter how bored some of you might be!

Yep there already is a Hello World tutorial by Evil Dragon.
You can find it at the site yaustar posted.

Be sure to check the newest Fenixgame releases for the gp32/gp2x, afair they all include documented sourcecode and are easy to reproduce for beginners.