Atari St Games/roms

  • Thread starter Thread starter hughes051
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Ik just KNOW that EVERYBODY has at least ONCE in his/her life downloaded some kind of warez.

But i agree that asking for roms should be banned for the safety of this forum.

I guess they have NEVER ever use google or are just plain S**p*d.

@ IAN, WOW thanks for returning the favour
Of course everyone here has at some stage used roms, be very surprised if they havent and they bought a GP32

If he had asked for help we could have said search for 'pompey pirates' and other former Atari ST pirate groups etc

It just gets everyones back up when the person is just plain lazy. If they had searched and there were none then fair enough but like i said earlier if there were no easy atari st roms to find then we wouldnt use the emulator.

I've helped many people out with MAME roms and others but when people are simply lazy and havent even bothered trying then you know that winds everyone up.
Excuse my last post.

Its my birthday tomorrow.......
