Atari 800 Games Recommend


Mar 2, 2003
I aven't posted in ages - but when I saw the atari 800 emulator released - I almost came..

But anyway I urge you rpgs to search my favourite game ever-

Alternate Reality - The Dungeon

Some other Great Games:-

Spy vs Spy Series, Rescue on fractalus, Edilion, Kronos Rift, MULE, The Goonies, Powerdown, Mercernary Series, Journey to the planets, Alternate Reality the City, Masters of the lamp, Bruce Lee, Elektraguide(How fast is this!!), Drol, Drelbs, Caverns of Khafka, Encounter, Galahad(Like 2600 adventure), Hard Hat Willy, Head over heels, Draconus, Hover Bover\Revenge of mutant camels(MR Jeff Minter), Pitfall 2, Star Raiders, Zorro -

The list goes on and on
My favourites:

Spy vs Spy (mentioned in earlier post),
Broad Sides,
Mr. Robot - i really liked to play this one,
River Raid - very addictive
Misja or Mission Shark (international name)
Blinky Scary's School
Super Cobra,
Red Max,
and many many more. Here is url where you can find some games with pictures:
Have phun :)
the list would be massive, but......

Miner 2049'er
Rainbow Walker
Star Raiders (perhaps, a game of it's time that had no equals in the amount of time i spent on it, and all in 8k)
Rescue On Fracs (fantastic loading screen. was it just me who jumped when the green alien poped his head into view?)

and of course...

Flip & Flop..........

how i remember spending 25 mins waiting for Mr Do to load from tape :(

a thought.....

anyone remember that shootie on tape that loaded each level while playing speach from the 2nd track on the tape. if memory serves... £24.99 was the price it cost me, only to be played once.......
Thanks for the lists guys. It's impossible to know everything about every console, and these lists are great for getting those of us unfamiliar with a particular system off on the right foot.
Out of curiosity, anyone remember the game "Survival of the Fittest"?


Fine. Jumpman Jr, Frogger, QIX, Coconotes, and Mountain King were some of my favorites.
mods, i pressed report this post by mistake (please ignore!) :o

anyways, Boulderdash, Beach Head and ballblazer are worth a go!
Some lesser known Atari 800 games that people should play on GP32:

Countdown - great Synapse title I never heard of back in my Atari 800 days. Odd, because it's really good. You're a secret agent, infiltrating an enemy installation. It can be a little confusing at first, but don't quit - hint: you can lay time bombs by pressing down+button. Once inside the base, the game gets really good. Also, if you lose, something very cool happens. :)

Dandy - this game really is special. Why? Because it has some important history. It was an APX (Atari Program Exchange) title written by a home user. It was a brilliant, fun game. And most significantly, most people have played it without even knowing it. How? Because Atari later made an arcade game based on it - Gauntlet! Yep, Dandy is where Gauntlet started out, on the old Atari 800. Play it and you'll immediately see the Gauntlet connection, altho it has different graphics of course. But the general gameplay - nearly identical, and still fun as heck. =)

Necromancer - one of my old favorites. Another Synapse title, it's just plain weird if you don't know how to play so I'll give a brief explanation later in this post. As far as a description - it's a multi-level action game where you control a wizard who uses nature (trees mostly) to defeat his evil enemies. There are several different levels, each with different gameplay, and it has some nice graphics and effects. The first level may be very confusing at first so I'll tell you what to do - get seeds from the goofy eye stalks, then plant them and use the magic thingie to protect them from trolls until they grow to full size. After some time, the level ends and the number of trees you have will help you a LOT in later levels, so try to stack up as many as you can. Cool title music too - give it a listen, it was haunting to me back in the day.

I could think of more games but I'm tired of typing now. :P