Astonishia Story Episode 2!!!!!


Still Fresh
Dec 16, 2004
Washington DC
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I was just looking through Sonnori's webpage (with my cookie's ON) and up popped an ad for ASR Episode 2! I know that this game was made quite a while ago, but it looks like it is going to get a re-release.

Now the question that I am sure is on everyone's mind (I know it's on mine) is, "What system is it comming out for?" or more specifically, "Is it going to be released on the GP32?" Well the only answer that I can provide is I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT SYSTEM IT IS COMMING OUT ON. I cant read Korean. My guess is that it will be released on the PC like Sonnori did with the first ASR re-release and thier Romance of Package Box Set (which is F'n AWESOME!)

I am in hopes that some one can go to the sonnore website ( and figure out what exactly is going on with this game.

Until then, I am holding my breath in the hopes (I know it's a long-shot) the the GP32 will get another RPG.

I think i saw on Lik-Sang (or Play Asia, can't remember very well :s), an another game from the Astonisha saga. However, i think it's for PC only :( (ASR has been released on PCs befors GP32).
On the same website was shown Her Knight 2... But who believe on a "life-sign" from Gamepark... <_< Forget it, we'll never see those games on our SMCs...

Shame :(
Same here. I doubt this will come to our GP. And in the unlikely event that it WILL come, it'll probably be Korean-only again.
that's not ASR episode 2. that is just second part of AS for cellphone
(AS for cellphone is divided into several parts because of low capacity of cellphone)