Armhf + Box86 + GL4ES + Wine = OpenMW!


Long Term Lurker
Jan 4, 2012
My first real accomplishment on the Pyra after monkeying around and configuring things.
I finally got a "real" game working on the Pyra. No easy way out/DBP's here.
My goal was to get OpenMW on this thing, one way or another, and I'm 90% of the way there.
I tried compiling OpenMW from source, which ALMOST worked, but at about 75% my build kept failing due to MyGUI something or other failing. So, I took the road less traveled and went through the translation/wrapper route by running the Windows 32bit version of OpenMW through Wine, which of course, is a x86 application, so that wine wrapper was itself translated by the Box86 software.. which.. of course, was wrapped with GL4ES to pass through a OpenGL renderer.

Took a few hours, but it works. As of now, it's stuck on max settings and native resolution in a 4:3 window, so the performance is pretty meh, but it looks amazing. I'll revise the config tomorrow and get it proper.

Then, the other huge issue I'm dealing with is the throttling/cooling of the CPU and Battery. I don't really care so much about the battery, as if I can get a year out of it, $25 gets me a new one. But the extreme throttling is a bit of a nusience.. for absolutely certain, I need to look into a new cooling system, and look into compiling a new dts to test if undervolting is stable. I think the writing on the wall here, is that it's a chip not designed or optimized for our application in the Pyra, so hopefully some day we can get a icy cool Quad Core A76 chip that beats the pants out of the A15 and opens the door to much more modern software/emulation AND draws less power/heat.

Anyways, lots to do. Figured I'd document it for people to find/read about!

Nice one! That a tricky combo you pull out here (wine+gl4es are not super friends). You can probably get a few other games that also use OpenGL that way.
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Nice one! That a tricky combo you pull out here (wine+gl4es are not super friends). You can probably get a few other games that also use OpenGL that way.
My experience exactly! Though, as a "last ditch" effort it actually isn't terrible if it runs. Luckily OpenMW exists, as the real Windows Binary blew a gasket trying to run. Pretty sure it was trying to force D3D, and Wine wasn't having it. OpenMW worked out if the box with OpenGL so that was good.

I'd still MUCH prefer compling OpenMW natively on the Pyra. I'm sure a lot more can be squeezed out of it that way, but I'm just not 200IQ enough to figure out the MyGUI situation. Since it requires a newer version than exists for Bullseye, I had to setup package Pinning for Apt. Which, ended up installing the Unstable version which was supported, but still didn't work for some reason.

The real PITA is that I spent probably 3-4 hours compiling it on the Pyra, only for it to blow up on the MyGUI piece at almost 80% done. Siiigh.

It would be a treat to have OpenMW as a standalone Binary for Armhf, since it only looks like they push an updated version like once a year now.
What version do you compile? The one from Android or the one from a raspberry pi? Or is it the same?
This one should be what I was using, pretty much everything is straight forward sans the MyGUI portion.

You'll need to setup pinning to get apt to pull from unstable.