Are there any guides how to controle a GP32?

Read the manual and browse the forums..

ye gods.. you do get them ;)
look, I just want to know this, can anyone just answer it:
1.How do you formate your SMC?
2.Witch folders should there be for my gamepark to work correctly?
3.Where shall the file gp_launc.zpk be when I want to play games?
1. There's a FORMAT SMC or something command under FILE in the PC-LINK program.
2. The formatting command will make them all.
3. Use PC-LINK's Installation command to install Free Launcher.

This should be in the help forums.
look, I just want to know this, can anyone just answer it:

wow calm down, use the search, these type of yuestions get asked atleast twice a month.

welcome to the scene :D

enjoy ur new toy B)
it worked, but when I started GP32 freelauncher there comes up a window that starts with FXE and then some korean. what sould I do here?

also:where shall the games be?
shall the emus and the roms be in different folders?