Archos Using Ångström?


Still Fresh
Mar 25, 2009
Hello, I love the pandora community but sadly I can't be part of it because of my country restrictions with electronic stuff I'm not able to bring the open pandora here. Looking after a device wich will comply with pandora standards I found the Archos 5 Internet Tablet using the same OS as the pandora does, so I asked if it's possible to run the same apps on the archos than on the pandora? Please tell me it is possible :) The screen is mostly the same, it is a full pandora without keyboard...
Manguitom said:
I can't be part of it because of my country restrictions with electronic stuff I'm not able to bring the open pandora here
I have never heard of such things... where do you live? And what are the restrictions? Please elaborate, inquiring minds want to know.
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In one of his previous posts he said that shipping costs for him would be as much as the pandora itself, Perhaps this is the restriction he's referring to.

The archos 5 uses OMAP 3440 right? I'd imagine the major issue over all even if it used Linux would be incompatibility with pandora specific codeing.
In my country (Argentina) customs is a major thief. Electronic taxes are about 60% to everything... Not to mention that if you afford to pay for it people that work there sometimes keep the package for themselves or even ask for double the price :(
Butterman:what options, may I ask?
There isn't much info about what exactly it has, but I believe it only has 128mb of RAM and no SGX. - Archos staff member seems to confirm it here
Would it be possible to take a small vacation to a less restrictive country and have the pandora delivered there? Is Brazil the same way? Of course you would have to wait until OP had a better grip on shipping before you tried something like this.
MonkeyChops said:
Would it be possible to take a small vacation to a less restrictive country and have the pandora delivered there? Is Brazil the same way? Of course you would have to wait until OP had a better grip on shipping before you tried something like this.
Hello everyone, new here.

Well I'm about to order one of the "last few units of the first batch" avaliable and, as I live in Brazil, I have similar problems regarding the skyrocket'ed price I would have to pay uppon arrival. There is the same kind of taxes here (in Brazil), in fact, it's about 75% of the purchase paid price on some eletronics, such as the Pandora.

The only thing holding me back from finalizing the order is this doubt. Is it safe that I would not have to pay the taxes by using conventional Air Mail shipping methods or none of you are sure about it?

Any other brazillian out there that has similar thoughts, or maybe already ordered?

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Klarth said:
Is it safe that I would not have to pay the taxes by using conventional Air Mail shipping methods or none of you are sure about it?
Import fees are entirely the responsibility of the purchaser to investigate. The rules are different from country to country, so you'll need to lookup specifics about how your country supposedly handles it. You may get charged tax as it crosses the border, or you may not. You may get charged tax on the $330 (or whatever you pay in your own currency), or they could deem that the price is too low for what it is and charge you tax on $500, or they might say it's a unique item that can't be purchased in your country and apply a reduced tax, or... or or or, if if if. So many possible ways it can go. The only thing anyone can tell you is to be prepared to pay a fee (to the government, important, OpenPandora has absolutely nothing at all to do with this fee) as it crosses the border.
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Really seems to me like it would be easier to order and have it sent to someone you know in another country that might be able to bring it to you because some of these countries have ridiculous fees. it's like they think if you have the money to buy such a luxury device that you can afford to pay more to actually have it.
Do you pay crazy taxes on EVERYTHING sent to your country?
Alpha2 seems right about getting a 3rd party to bring it.

Maybe it could be disguised in the mail as something not requiring tax to be paid? :pandora2ut4: !!!!
man that is crazy, I had no idea some countries were like that. My condolences.

maybe buy the parts separately and assemble it yourself?
WizardStan said:
Klarth said:
Is it safe that I would not have to pay the taxes by using conventional Air Mail shipping methods or none of you are sure about it?
Import fees are entirely the responsibility of the purchaser to investigate. The rules are different from country to country, so you'll need to lookup specifics about how your country supposedly handles it. You may get charged tax as it crosses the border, or you may not. You may get charged tax on the $330 (or whatever you pay in your own currency), or they could deem that the price is too low for what it is and charge you tax on $500, or they might say it's a unique item that can't be purchased in your country and apply a reduced tax, or... or or or, if if if. So many possible ways it can go. The only thing anyone can tell you is to be prepared to pay a fee (to the government, important, OpenPandora has absolutely nothing at all to do with this fee) as it crosses the border.
Oh yes I am, now, doing research on import fees, thanks for the fast reply.

Alpha2 said:
Really seems to me like it would be easier to order and have it sent to someone you know in another country that might be able to bring it to you because some of these countries have ridiculous fees. it's like they think if you have the money to buy such a luxury device that you can afford to pay more to actually have it.
Indeed, that is a solution, unpractical for my case, but thanks for the idea.

kingoddball said:
Do you pay crazy taxes on EVERYTHING sent to your country?
Alpha2 seems right about getting a 3rd party to bring it.

Maybe it could be disguised in the mail as something not requiring tax to be paid? :pandora2ut4: !!!!
No, import taxes vary greatly depending on category of products, eletronics usualy do have extraordinary taxes. Laptops, as an example, have a 280% increased price upon border crossing, while most videogames have much lower taxes(from 30 to 70%). As the Pandora is a mix between a gaming handheld and a mobile computer, it is unclear the amount of taxes requested to be paid, also because it is a 'unique' item, it may vary.

Regarding the second question, yes I guess it would be possible to label it with a price a little bit lower than the real one, but not tax-free, that would be illegal.

maybe buy the parts separately and assemble it yourself?
Would be complicated to describe every single item to the IRS and even though it would be fun to assemble it, I do not have much time for that. Thanks for the idea ;)
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What if OpenPandora sends the package as a gift and not a sale? If it was already paid (even the shipping fees), then the money declared in the package can be $0 i think.. Some online stores do this, some only declare a very small amount of money (this is nice for most EU countries that buy from outside the EU). I don't know if it's legal or not, if someone knows more than me, please inform :P

edit: forget it, it's risky..
That's tax-evasion, nikkopt. ;) So, it's not legal.

EDIT: Whoops. I'm slow, looks like you already found that out. :)
But then again...

"It is NOT against the law. The "gift" declaration is not specific enough legally and is intentionally left in a grey area for "interpretation". This was told to me by two differant post officers at two differant post offices who both told me ALWAYS to mark the items as gifts. Just because you are a "small business" dosn't mean you can't send a complete stranger a gift. "

after reading more :P
I do know some online stores do this..

Edit: The same way they sent the dev units and these last ones to all the developers, without declaring a sale *speculation*.
Oh, this doesn't help me in any way, i can order from Germany without having to pay more than the base price and the shipping cost, i'm just trying to help Manguitom :P
Well are you really buying a Pandora, or a Pandora pre-order queue position? With the device coming later as a gift for purchasing it.

But I know this has been discussed before and IIRC OP will comply with those regulations, so if you buy one and have it shipped directly to you, you'd have to pay.