Release Apps and games preinstalled?

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Sep 29, 2008
I was wondering if there are any apps and games preinstalled in our pandora?
If I remember Wiz, and/or GP2X got preinstall packages.
So any emulators, games, multimedias? Maybe from those tech demos or some applications from the developer who got the developer pandoras made? :)
It has not been declared exactly what will be installed.

It is unlikely you will get emulators or media players pre-loaded due to licencing etc, but they should be easily downloadable. More news will undoubtedly be available nearer the time.
Emulators - absolutely not for legal reasons. However I see no reason why they can't include a web browser and media player pre-installed.
You'd probably only get free codecs with the media player though. If you want mp3 and wma you'd need to install a codec pack or some such.

Ogg Vorbis FTW
There will definitely not be a pre-installed media player due to licensing concerns. There may be a web browser, but so far nobody has compiled one to work under the default UI. I expect (hope) that we will have one before the Pandoras start rolling off the assembly line. See this thread for more (of the same) answers.
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