Anyone Want 'game Of The Week' Recommendation?


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003

As one of the resident ST-nerds it occurred to me to offer a 'game of the week' recommendation/mini-review if anyone wants it; strikes me a better idea is cross platform, rotating through .. say one week Genesis, the next SNES, and so on, but I'm not that useful, sorry :) Instead I've thought about doing an Atari ST (or perhaps Atari various) game of the week, though I'm more ST focused myself.

(With the focus on games that were brilliant or interesting, and not the obvious ones. ie: Everyone who plays ST games knows about Xenon 2 or Dungeon Master, but there are many other brilliant games everyone should try. Everyone who digs ST anyway :)

(Why do I post in this forum? Naturally since I support OutcaST on the 2x, and probabyl soon that and/or Hatari on the Wiz, and of course on the Panda.)

Any real interest? (It takes a bit of time to write something up, so only say 'yes!' if you're actually interested :)

I know nothing of the Atari ST and would like to see some reviews of games so that I can get familiarised with what I could be missing out on. Would be nice to add another emulator and batch of games to my GP2X games collection. :)
I used to have an Atari ST many moons ago, but when I heard the Amiga (ie. literally heard the beautiful sounds being generated) I knew the Amiga was for me.

Regardless, I had my ST for about 18 months and during that time I was utterly in love with it. Dungeon Master and Oids were my favourites. Typhoon Thompson was also something special but I don't see it on your list?
I recently purchased my first Atari ST, for C-lab Creator fun. :D I also splashed out on an UltraSatan SD card interface (preordered). Delving into the game library of an old system you didn't own back in the day can be pretty daunting, so I'd lap up a weekly recommendation for sure.
skeezix posted on May 19 2009 at 02:02 AM said:
As one of the resident ST-nerds it occurred to me to offer a 'game of the week' recommendation/mini-review if anyone wants it; strikes me a better idea is cross platform, rotating through .. say one week Genesis, the next SNES, and so on, but I'm not that useful, sorry :) Instead I've thought about doing an Atari ST (or perhaps Atari various) game of the week, though I'm more ST focused myself.

(With the focus on games that were brilliant or interesting, and not the obvious ones. ie: Everyone who plays ST games knows about Xenon 2 or Dungeon Master, but there are many other brilliant games everyone should try. Everyone who digs ST anyway :)

(Why do I post in this forum? Naturally since I support OutcaST on the 2x, and probabyl soon that and/or Hatari on the Wiz, and of course on the Panda.)

Any real interest? (It takes a bit of time to write something up, so only say 'yes!' if you're actually interested :)


You're gonna hate me but I was an Amiga Gal. I think "Stardust" should be one of the games of the week!
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