Anyone got a broken FLU?


Apr 20, 2003
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Has anyone got a broken FLU gp where the flu still works, because i really want a flu gp but i dont have the cash to buy a whole unit, please display your interest and a price you would be willing to accept, thanks.
its impossible to fit an afterburner to a gp32, i should know, i installed an afterburner in my gba, the problem is the gp32 screen is bigger and the lightguide and ar film(both essential) are cut to fit the gba screen so only part of the screen would be lit, making it useless ;)
I got a gp32 with broken flu what do you offer. i will give cd with dungeong aurder and little wizard with it and also the usb port offer as post plz
Screen has a Thick line going through it when you turn the GP32 on and when you turn it off it goes away... but it brings no image up on the screen.. the sound still comes out the speakers so its running except the screen wont do anything except a Black line through middle...
The one on the "stand" is the damaged one... (the screen has a funny black / dark haze on it at one side cos of the Camera Flash...)


PM me a offer and ill think about it :D...
lol... Im gonnna fire it on ebay for £30... starting price.. they seem to sell quite well damaged on there :D hehe...