Anybody With Phoneme/dosbox Knowledge?


Still Fresh
Apr 13, 2010
Czech Republic - Jihomoravské kraj
Hey, dying community!
I bought (after ~3 years) Wiz again (I sold previous one) and I am pretty happy to have it again! :)
Now, I am looking for someone who has some skill with PhoneMe or DosBox to help me with emulation.
I hope someone answers this topic.
LTStone said:
What exactly are you wanting to know about PhoneMe?
Awesome.  Well, I have problem uninstalling an applet.
How exactly should uninstal *.gpe look? 
removeMidlet <ID number>
Another question: Is it possible to run Gish? After installed, it comes with error that there is no bluetooth (this game does not require bt for singleplayer) - is there any way to cheat it?
Is it possible to run Angry Birds or any other modern 3D games? Do you have experience with any of these?
Have you read through the threads on DOSBox, like this one? -    or this -
I don't know of any list for games running at <>100% fullspeed on DOSBox, but that doesn't mean there isn't one.
However, DosBox on Wiz IS slow and unless the game is ancient or very basic it is likely to have slowdown. There are ways of frameskipping (I can't recall them offhand as I haven't used DOSBox for a very long time now), but it generally results in a jerky gaming experience, but it may well be fully playable.
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MilloCz said:
What exactly are you wanting to know about DOSBox?
Is there any list (or any list in your head) containing games that run pefectly ((almost) fullspeed) ?
So far I have installed only Supaplex, although I'm not happy with it being so slow. Is there any good way to speed it up in dosbox.conf?
Wasteland in Dosbox runs perfectly, I have also played Dragon Wars, Sherlock the case of the serrated scalpel, Ultima4,5,6, Savage Empire , Martian Dreams, the D&D box sets (Death Queen, Pools of Radiance etc) Maddog Williams at OK to full speeds. 
All I remember is i downloaded a program someone made that automatically installed and (I think) uninstall the Java files. So I'm not sure how to manually do such a thing, Can you just go in and delete all the associated files?
Gish I'm not sure about but yes Angry Birds works great, i actually uploaded a video of it somewhere and uploaded the link here somewhere.
MilloCz said:
What exactly are you wanting to know about PhoneMe?
Awesome.  Well, I have problem uninstalling an applet.
How exactly should uninstal *.gpe look? 

removeMidlet <ID number>
Another question: Is it possible to run Gish? After installed, it comes with error that there is no bluetooth (this game does not require bt for singleplayer) - is there any way to cheat it?
Is it possible to run Angry Birds or any other modern 3D games? Do you have experience with any of these?
Okay thanks guys, but you are so unsure about everyting...
All the links are dead, link to the DosBox pack, link to the PhoneMe auto-installer.
About Angry birds, I'd be pleased to be given any further information - like which version of AB choose, which settings etc.
Can you just go in and delete all the associated files?
I do not think there are files asociated to exact *.jar game. It is all in one file.