Any Interest In Go?

looks like its dead in the water then :( . oh well, looks like a good reason to get around to my chinese friends place and play :) . only he was taught by a master and he normally kicks my arse with anything less than a four handicap...BUT i cant share a drink and a joke with the gp2x, no matter how cool it is.
Just as a note for Go lovers (which I definitely count myself among, although I really don't play enough at the moment), there's a game of Hikaru no Go in Japanese on the GBA. Seeing as the emu is getting remarkably good speeds on some games already, it might be worth a look.

Only thing is, of course, that any RPG/Animated story bits won't make a lot of sense; although I imagine will make a lot *more* sense if you have read the manga/watched the anime. Pity, but if it's got go games in, probably still worth playing :)