*** eter02@hotmail.com ([???] - ??? ??? ????) has joined the conversation.
Zero3K: hey
*** eter02@hotmail.com ([???] - ??? ??? ????) has joined the conversation.
Zero3K: why hasn't the page for Goddess Saga been updated yet?
Zero3K: hmm?
Zero3K: .....
*** eter02@hotmail.com ([???] - ??? ??? ????) has joined the conversation.
[???] - ??? ??? ????:

[???] - ??? ??? ????: later
[???] - ??? ??? ????: Gp32 goddess.. give up a project
[???] - ??? ??? ????: Pc goddess.. making.
Zero3K: so, you gave up on the GP32 version of Goddess Saga?
Zero3K: and are making a PC version instead?
[???] - ??? ??? ????: yes
[???] - ??? ??? ????: yes
Zero3K: ok
[???] - ??? ??? ????: ^^;
*** eter02@hotmail.com ([???] - ??? ??? ????) has joined the conversation.
Zero3K: are you done with the GP32 or do you have something planned for it?
[???] - ??? ??? ????: may be