Any From Goddess Saga ?

I just wonder : has anyone some news from Goddess saga ( ), i can't read corean, but someone could tell me what is said on the homepage, it would be great.
Thanks, i just hope it's not abandoned.

Unfortunatly there's no real news about this awesome & really promising lovely SRPG since long time ago...
the home page announce that the game will be ready for fall 2004, but since they haven't update their webpage since ages, we don't know more...
I already ask on the Team Eternity board some news about the game, & they told me it's not dead... but it was in mid 2004...
so just keep our finger crossed, & maybe after long time some guys in Game Park will realize that this game got an awesome potential :P Maybe Lethe can help us talk to GamePark about this game :) if GP contact Team Eternity & offer them a possibility to commercialy sell their game, I think they will think twice about it :)
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What the f*** is a SRPG??? :blink:

What stands the S for? Super? Stupid? Slash? Slang? String? Stone? Slime?
What?!? :blink:

Edit: Wait... Strategy? That would be my best guess...
I just had a chat with the developer of Goddess Saga. Here's what he said:
*** ([???] - ??? ??? ????) has joined the conversation.
Zero3K: hey
*** ([???] - ??? ??? ????) has joined the conversation.
Zero3K: why hasn't the page for Goddess Saga been updated yet?
Zero3K: hmm?
Zero3K: .....
*** ([???] - ??? ??? ????) has joined the conversation.
[???] - ??? ??? ????: O_o;;;
[???] - ??? ??? ????: later
[???] - ??? ??? ????: Gp32 goddess.. give up a project
[???] - ??? ??? ????: Pc goddess.. making.
Zero3K: so, you gave up on the GP32 version of Goddess Saga?
Zero3K: and are making a PC version instead?
[???] - ??? ??? ????: yes
[???] - ??? ??? ????: yes
Zero3K: ok
[???] - ??? ??? ????: ^^;
*** ([???] - ??? ??? ????) has joined the conversation.
Zero3K: are you done with the GP32 or do you have something planned for it?
[???] - ??? ??? ????: may be