Another World

mmh eric chahi dont seems toanswer tm my email... maybe the adress i found was wrong :(
DJWillis: could you ask to cyx eric's email? or maybe just ask him if we can release something on gp32...
i think what he did is totally legal (refer to ScummVM), but he abandoned the project only because he dont want to comprise eric's plan. an opensource engine would ruin any comercial re-release of another wolrd. all we have to know is on what platform the release is targetted, and i dont believe it could be the gp32 :)

edit: forget this... i got an answer form eric chahi... here is his email (sorry its in french)
Ah ! La GP32 ! Un ami m'en avait parlé il y a qq mois. C'est clair cette
console est peu connue, mais elle a l'air bien sympathique !
Au risque de passer (encore) pour un rabat-joie, je vais te demander de
patienter avant de diffuser quoique ce soit.
En ce moment j'étudie pas mal de chose au sujet d'Another World, d'une
recommercialisation éventuelle sur consoles portables (dont la GP32 ).

Donc pas de panique rien n'est décidé.
De toute façon quitte à diffuser qq chose, je souhaiterais que cela soit une
version complète, bien finie, avec le son, etc... Ce qui n'est pas le cas
actuellement (c'est pas un reproche !). Si A.W. doit être diffuser en
freeware alors j'aimerais autant que les choses soit faites au mieux, et
dans ce cas je pourrais apporter personnellement un support pour le
développement, en donnant un max d'info technique, les banks les plus
Mais pour l'instant j'ai pas mal de points à voir (juridique, éditoriaux...)
in brief, it says we have to wait, because gp32 is a possible target for a re-release.
but if not, he will help us with everything we need to have a full-working A.W. on gp32 :)
Great news! :))))

So, if somebody has already compiled A.W for the GP32 can contact Eric and give the community this masterpiece of work! :)

Thanks loki for this news

Waitin' for an FXE,
Alessandro posted on May 28 2004 at 08:33 AM said:
Great news! :))))

So, if somebody has already compiled A.W for the GP32 can contact Eric and give the community this masterpiece of work! :)

Thanks loki for this news

Waitin' for an FXE,
calm down...
dont bomb-mail eric chahi, he is still dont know if the gp32 will be a target for this re-release (mainly for commercial viability issues :))

btw: he want an Another World release, not a RAW release
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GamePark128 posted on May 31 2004 at 04:46 AM said:
Ive never heard of it....Dammit Windows XP doesnt have the DOS kernal in it....I wish it did so I cant play it! :angry:
Use WinUAE (an Amiga emulator) to play it, As its probably a better version anyway. Oh, And Google is your friend. :rolleyes:

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I'm playing raw 0.1.1 and also the unofficial GBA version and they both play just like the original - like a dream. You owe it to yourself to play this game.
