Another Gp2x F200 Owner On Its Way


Still Fresh
Dec 9, 2007
Hi guys,

Just thought id say hi quickly as ive just this moment ordered my F200 for xmas from, after everything ive read on here i just had to get one. B)

Speak to ya soon ;)
Wow, if ye are this excited before they arrive, I can't imagine what ye will be like when you actually have them! :D Me thinks ye will enjoy!!
Damn right im looking forward to it, i love this type of thing. Currently using emulation and such on the go im having to use a laptop which you can imagine isnt very mobile and with an average battery time of hour and and half, well, clearly sucks. GP2x will solve all those issues :P

GoblinKing said:
Damn right im looking forward to it, i love this type of thing. Currently using emulation and such on the go im having to use a laptop which you can imagine isnt very mobile and with an average battery time of hour and and half, well, clearly sucks. GP2x will solve all those issues :P

Yeah its pretty cool alright. Just make sure your get yourself some decent batteries (2700mah) and a good charger (cheap chargers will not get you good results, it's not all about the batteries) Poor batteries and/or a charger could make your laptop battery life look good!

If you are running low on power when out there are some emulators which let you UNDERclock which makes the batteries last longer. PicoDrive, AlexKid2X amd MAME (on some games) allow this while still leaving the games fully playable!

I'm sure you'll have a couple of questions when you get it (everyone does/did!). Use the search for answers, and if you can't find any - post away :)
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